Brings bad luck

Xia Lihua anticipated that Lin Cuiping might attempt to deflect blame or downplay the situation, so she decided not to give her the opportunity to speak up just yet.

"It's true that Aunty Yang charged at me all of a sudden.", she began, her tone firm yet filled with sadness. "Feng gege was there with me and was worried that I might get hurt."

Lin Cuiping's expression showed signs of frustration and unease as she realized that Xia Lihua wasn't backing down. "Father-in-law, I didn't mean to harm her. I was just trying to scare her a bit."

Old Master Yang let out a sigh, his disappointment palpable. "It doesn't matter if you didn't intend to harm her," he replied firmly. "Scaring someone is not a joke. Your actions were unacceptable, and you must learn to control your emotions and handle situations with grace and dignity."

"How could I have the heart to hit her? I think I went a bit too far, haha."

"How could you even raise your hand against Xiao Li? The poor girl came to visit me after so long, how could you treat my guests like this? You should have treated her warmly since you too haven't seen this little girl for years."

Old Master Yang wanted Lin Cuiping to understand the gravity of her behavior. She had crossed a line and it was not an acceptable way to handle conflicts or disagreements.

"I...I understand," Lin Cuiping stammered, her voice became softer. " I didn't mean to scare you, little Li but I see now that my actions were hurtful and I deeply regret it."

"Aunty Yang, we all make mistakes." Xia Lihua said gently, pretending to be the better person as she accepted Mother Yang's apology.

Grandpa Yang ushered Xia Lihua inside the residence, guiding her with a gentle hand on her back.

"Come on now, let's head inside," he said warmly, offering her a small smile.

Lin Cuiping's anger boiled within her as she watched the retreating figures of Xia Lihua and Old master Yang. The intensity of her emotions made her gnash her teeth in bitterness.

"She's nothing but a witch-like girl who brings bad luck," Lin Cuiping muttered under her breath.


Xia Lihua became emotional as she hadn't seen the old man for years. The flood of memories made her nose twitch and tears welled up in her eyes. She tried to compose herself, and then sniffed softly before voicing a heartfelt question, "Grandpa Yang…Why are you so nice to me?"

"Indeed. Should I show kindness to that woman, Lin Cuiping, instead? She seems to be behaving erratically these days. I can't fathom what my son was thinking when he decided to marry her." Grandpa Yang's eyes softened even more, his affection for Xia Lihua evident in his gaze. He reached out and gently wiped away a tear from her cheek, his voice tender and sincere, "Don't cry little Li, you are like a true granddaughter to me. From the moment I met you, I saw a kind and genuine soul."

Xia Lihua sat in the little velvet couch opposite to grandpa Yang. They were separated by a glass table.

"Sorry, Grandpa, I couldn't pay a visit earlier. I was really busy with my studies back in America. Then I moved to Europe," Xia Lihua explained.

"Yes, yes; I heard! That old brat Xia told me. You must have had a hard time coping up in a foreign country."

"It wasn't that hard, but yes, it was a bit stressful," Lihua admitted, reflecting on her experiences abroad. Suddenly, she recalled something that prompted her concern. "Grandpa, do you have a headache?"

"En, I have a slight headache. Must be because I stayed awake too late at night.", Grandpa Yang touched his temple, subconsciously. "You should brew me some tea while you are here. Your remedies are always helpful!"

Xia Lihua nodded with a caring smile. "Certainly, Grandpa. I'd be happy to prepare some tea to help ease your headache, just like the old times. However, I'm in a rush today, so I won't be able to stay for long."

Upon hearing Xia Lihua's response, Grandpa Yang seemed a bit sad. "Oh, that's unfortunate."

"I'm sorry, Grandpa. I wish I could stay longer, but I promise I'll visit again soon. We'll have more time to chat and spend time together."

"It's fine, you can come back anytime."

"Grandpa, you should ask the maid to brew ginger tea for you. It can help relax blood vessels and reduce inflammation, which can help alleviate headache symptoms. Also you can ask someone to give you 'Tui Na' massage."

"Hmm, I will ask the maids to do so," Old master Yang replied with a smile. "Your caring nature is always a comfort to me."

In his mind, Old master Yang couldn't help but reflect on how fortunate Yang Lingyun should be to have been engaged to such a good girl like Xia Lihua. With his sometimes difficult temperament, not many could handle him, but Xia Lihua was different. She was not only incredibly knowledgeable, always at the top of her class, but also blessed with good looks – a true example of beauty with brains! What's more, her soft, kind and patient nature made her a perfect match for his son.

Old master Yang couldn't help but compare Lihua to Mengrui and the contrast weighed heavily on his heart. Xia Mengrui's shortcomings became apparent in his mind, and a sense of disappointment filled him, causing his smile to fade.

Watching Grandpa Yang's smile disappear slowly Xia Lihua grew worried. "What is it, Grandpa? What are you thinking about? Is the headache too bad?"

Then, to distract from the seriousness of the moment, Grandpa Yang changed the subject. "By the way, have you seen the memorial garden of Xiao Lingbing?" he asked, referring to his late grandson. "I made a memorial garden at the backyard for him after he passed away. You mustn't have seen it. You should go and spend some time there."

Xia Lihua's heart softened at the mention of Yang Lingbing. She knew how much he meant to Grandpa Yang.

"I haven't seen it yet, Grandpa," Xia Lihua replied softly. "I would love to go and spend some time there, to remember and honor Bing gege."

"It's a peaceful place and I think you will find comfort there. I know you must miss him a lot since you two were very close."

"En, I'll go to the back garden."