Pay back for what you've done (2)

After Yang Lingyun finished his tea, Xia Lihua couldn't resist asking, "Were you drinking Longan tea?" The delightful aroma of the tea had been tantalizing her senses for a while, but she had kept quiet about it.

"En," Yang Lingyun replied with a nod. "Come with me, Ding Feng must be done making the brownies."

Xia Lihua pressed her lips together, following him in silence. 'So his insomnia is still troubling him.'


The table in the hall was adorned with an array of delectable cakes, pastries, and desserts, making it look like a sweet wonderland.

As Xia Lihua's eyes twinkled with excitement, she couldn't help but marvel at the array of tempting desserts in front of her - the brownies, cookies, and the decadent choco lava cake. Turning her gaze to Yang Lingyun, who was seated across from her, she asked, "Did Feng gege make all of this?"

Yang Lingyun's usually indifferent and cold demeanor shifted and the corners of his lips hooked up. "He is certainly living up to his master pastry chef title."

A sudden burst of excitement echoed from the direction of the kitchen.

In a dramatic entrance, Ding Feng waltzed into the dining area, carrying a tray filled with an assortment of mouthwatering treats. With a cheeky grin, he exclaimed, "Behold, the pastry wizard has arrived with a feast fit for a dessert queen!"

Xia Lihua's eyes lit up in delight as she marvelled at the display of sugary goodness. "Ding Feng, you're amazing! Did you bake all of these yourself?" she asked, genuinely impressed.

He struck a playful pose and winked, "Of course!"

As he set the tray down, Ding Feng pointed at a beautifully crafted strawberry pastry and said, "Here, Little Lihua, here's your favorite strawberry pastry. The one and only pastry to rule them all!"

Xia Lihua couldn't help but giggle at his dramatic presentation. "You're the best, Ding Feng! This looks divine!" she exclaimed, reaching for the pastry and taking a bite.

"Mmh, the cookies taste good."

Ding Feng, with a flair for the dramatic, chimed in, "Aiya, you flatter me too much, Ah Lingyun! But yes, it's all my handiwork."

Xia Lihua laughed, playfully adding, "Well, then I shall graciously accept this treat! Thank you, Feng gege, for spoiling me with such delicious delights!"

Ding Feng beamed with delight, pleased with the appreciation he received. "My pleasure, Your Highness! Please indulge yourself to your heart's content," he said with a mock bow.

Xia Lihua asked seriously, "Will Grandpa Yang not have any?"

Yang Lingyun's reply was just as cold and distant as usual, his voice resembling frost and ice in a winter blizzard. "He can't have sweet dishes. It's not good for his health."

Ding Feng, feeling slightly annoyed by Yang Lingyun's stoic demeanor, threw an orange at him.

However, Yang Lingyun effortlessly caught the fruit and placed it back in the fruit plate. "Don't throw the oranges; they'll taste bad later," he warned with a matter-of-fact tone.

Ding Feng: "..." *speechless*

Meanwhile, Xia Lihua struggled to suppress a childlike snort, amused by the interaction between the two men. Despite her best efforts to keep a straight face, her sweet laugh bubbled out uncontrollably, echoing through the air.

Both Yang Lingyun and Ding Feng turned to her with surprised looks, catching her in the act of trying to suppress her amusement. It was too late, though - her infectious laughter had already escaped from her lips.

Ding Feng couldn't help but grin, his annoyance melting away at the sound of her laughter. "What is so funny?" he teased, playfully nudging her with his elbow.

Xia Lihua blushed slightly, trying to maintain a composed demeanor. "It's your fault for throwing oranges," she retorted, her laughter still evident in her voice.

Yang Lingyun's stern expression softened just a tad, a hint of a smile ghosting over his lips.

While Xia Lihua delicately savored the meticulously crafted strawberry pastry, her heart was heavy with a profound sadness. It was a stark reminder of the stark contrast between Ding Feng and Yang Lingyun.

As she took each bite of the pastry, the flavors seemed to intertwine with the bittersweet emotions swirling inside her. Ding Feng, with his attentive nature, would have noticed every nuance and detail about her, including her fondness for strawberries, but Yang Lingyun, on the other hand, appeared oblivious to these subtle aspects of her character. The realization that he knew nothing about her, yet she couldn't help but hold feelings for him, intensified her regret for investing her emotions in someone so distant.

She slowly ate the pastry, using the spoon to relish each delectable bite, ensuring not a single morsel went to waste. The rich cream left a tempting trace on the corner of her lips. With grace, she delicately brought her slender tongue to the corner of her mouth, skillfully sweeping away the lingering cream, almost unconsciously.

Her small actions didn't go unnoticed by Yang Lingyun. Ding Feng who was sitting right next to her seemed oblivious to her deliberate actions, but Yang Lingyun's perceptive eyes caught every detail.

She even licked the spoon with the tip of her tongue which made Yang Lingyun clench his fist tightly when he saw the scene. He wiped the sweat at the back of his neck and took in a deep breathe.

'Why is it so hot today?'


After indulging in the delightful desserts, the trio slowly made their way to the entrance of the Yang family residence. Yang Lingyun, with his usual frigid expression, bid them farewell, but not before extending a casual invitation to Ding Feng. "I'll wait for you at the 'Starlight Lounge' bar tonight."

Ding Feng gave him a friendly fist bump, but a hint of disappointment flashed across his face. "I'm afraid I can't make it tonight. I have a big event at the Ding Empire Hotel, where I'll be showcasing my culinary skills. A VIP has booked our hall, and I can't afford to miss it."

As they stood by the car, Ding Feng graciously opened the door for Xia Lihua, allowing her to get inside comfortably. "Where would you like to go next?"

"Xiaoyun Pavilion, back to my home."

"Shangri-la restaurant, it is!" Ding Feng exclaimed with enthusiasm as he started the car.

Xia Lihua: "What?!"

[Longan tea (Dimocarpus longan): Longan is a fruit used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to support relaxation and improve sleep quality. Longan tea is made by steeping dried longan fruit in hot water.]