Avoid one's enemies

Shangri-la Resturant

Xia Lihua found herself at a loss for words. She initially thought Ding Feng was purposely pulling her leg, but he ended up leading her to the hotel restaurant.

"Xiao Li I brought you here for lunch."

"Did I ask you to?" Xia Lihua retorted, her mood sour. She walked towards the furthest table, seeking a bit of distance and solitude near the long glass window.

Ding Feng was taken aback by her response, not expecting her to react this way. He quickly tried to explain, "Hey, Xiao Lihua, I wanted to cook lunch for you, but it would have taken too long. You said you were going back to your company, so I thought it would be late if you went home to heat something up or ordered takeout. Are you really angry?"

Xia Lihua's lips thinned, torn between her emotions. She couldn't bring herself to be angry at Ding Feng, as he was being reasonable and had good intentions.

After a brief moment of silence, she let out a soft sigh, the tension in her shoulders easing. "No, I'm not angry. Order whatever you like."

Soon two familiar faces came into her view.

Xia Liyan and Xia Mengrui had a seemingly close relationship on the surface, often seen together at social events and gatherings.

Xia Liyan was also the one who had helped to spread the scandal that Xia Lihua had slept with someone while intoxicated, tarnishing her reputation.

Furthermore, she actively assisted Xia Mengrui in recruiting online trolls, playing a significant role in the malicious attacks on Xia Lihua's social media accounts. The intensity of the slander forced Xia Lihua to take drastic measures, leading her to deactivate all her social media profiles, seemingly vanishing from the face of the earth.

During Xia Lihua's time living in the Xia family, Xia Liyan frequently orchestrated schemes to mistreat and set her up. She even resorted to bullying Xia Lihua alongside the mansion's servants, taking advantage of their grandfather's absence most of the time.

Xia Mengrui was also still mad about her ruined dress and the way she had been humiliated at the banquet few days back. As fate would have it, their paths crossed once again, and Xia Mengrui wanted to settle scores with her.

It seemed impossible to avoid one's enemies in this small world.

Xia Mengrui took a step forward, but her cousin Xia Liyan promptly pulled her back, leaving her puzzled.

"Brother Ding."

Xia Mengrui's expression contorted with confusion and annoyance as she saw Ding Feng with Xia Lihua. "What is he doing here with that girl?"

Xia Liyan quickly hushed her, whispering, "Don't be rash. There are many people around."

Mengrui patted Liyan's hand and said, "Leave it to me."

With determination in their eyes, they approached Xia Lihua and Ding Feng's table, causing Xia Lihua to feel irritated by Xia Mengrui's audacity.

"Oh, ex-classmate Feng, what are you doing here?" Xia Mengrui questioned with a faux innocence, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "And look, isn't this my dearest cousin," she added, her words laced with disdain.

Xia Lihua rolled her eyes. 'What's up with this green tea-bitch trying to act surprised every time we meet? It's not like I'm magically transformed into a different person each time, making it hard for her to recognize me.'

Xia Lihua said, taking a jab at Xia Mengrui, "Why are you so surprised to see me? Are you still mad that I was wearing your fiancé's coat? Or perhaps you're still upset about your torn dress incident?"

The moment the words left Xia Lihua's mouth, she could see the fire in Xia Mengrui's eyes intensify.

Xia Lihua continued, "It's not my fault you have terrible fashion sense. You even chose such an ordinary and stupid-looking necklace for a banquet."

Xia Mengrui's face turned red with anger as she retorted, "You dare mock my taste in fashion? Hah. You're just jealous because I have everything that you don't. I have a wealthy fiancé and a glamorous social life. What do you have?"

Xia Lihua's mischievous glint remained as she raised her eyebrow and added, "Well, I have my integrity, my dignity, and... " She leaned in closer to Xia Mengrui and whispered slyly, "I can sing, unlike you, who can't hit a note above C5 range." A playful smirk danced on her lips as she settled back into her seat and continued, "...and a secured future."

Xia Mengrui's eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and frustration. The mention of her lackluster singing abilities hit a nerve she didn't want exposed. She glared at Xia Lihua, trying to come up with a snarky response.

Observing her cousin's flushed face, Xia Liyan pretended to be concerned, "Cousin sister, what's wrong? What did this vicious girl say to you?"

Xia Lihua replied, "Step-sister, it's better if you don't get involved. Cousin Mengrui is simply experiencing some emotional turmoil, nothing more. She can handle this much, can't she?"

Xia Liyan's anger flared. "Xia Lihua! Don't push it!"

Xia Lihua leaned back in her chair and scratched her ear with her index finger. "You sure are being too loud for someone whose mother is a mistress."

Xia Lihua's savage remark hung in the air, causing a momentary silence at the table. Even the surrounding diners seemed to hush, sensing the tension in the atmosphere.

Xia Liyan was dumbfounded by the intensity of the insult. She looked at Xia Lihua, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "How dare you!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with anger.

"Yeah, I can't blame you. Your mother was in need, older step-sister. She required my dad's financial support, didn't she?"

Xia Lihua reached into her Chanel bag and pulled out stacks of banknotes, tossing them toward Xia Liyan's hands. "Take that and get lost."