Avoid one's enemies (2)

Xia Lihua reached into her Chanel bag and pulled out stacks of banknotes, tossing them toward Xia Liyan's hands. "Take that and get lost."

Xia Liyan stared at the rubber-banded bundle of notes in her hand, bewildered.

"Don't you and your mother love money?"

With a bang, Xia Liyan slammed the bundle of money on the table, her emotions getting the better of her. Her face twisted with anger and distress, feeling called out by Xia Lihua's taunting words. "Ding Feng, do you see how vicious this girl is? How could you bring her here?"

Ding Feng, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, cast a disapproving glance at Xia Liyan. "Did you come here with the intention of provoking Xiao Lihua?"

Ding Feng's stern look caught Xia Liyan off guard and she faltered for a moment before defending herself. "We..I j-just wanted to talk to her," she stammered. "When did we provoke her? Wasn't it her who provoked cousin Mengrui first?"

"Talk? You call that talking? You were practically itching for a fight," she retorted, not backing down. "Don't pretend you were just here for a casual chat.", Xia Lihua scoffed.

Ding Feng sighed internally, realizing the need to intervene. "Come on, you two. Let's calm down," he said, trying to diffuse the tension. "This is not the place for such arguments."

Xia Mengrui furrowed her brows. 'Why is this guy suddenly on Xia Lihua's side?'

"Indeed, there's no need to be so angry, Xiao Lihua. We didn't have any bad intentions," Xia Mengrui said, attempting to placate Xia Lihua. As she reached out to touch Xia Lihua's hand, her face scrunched in disgust at the contact.

Xia Lihua couldn't stand the insincerity any longer and gently shook her hand.


Everyone gasped.

Almost as if an invisible force pushed Xia Mengrui away, causing her to stumble and nearly hit a nearby table.

"Xiao...Xiao Lihua, why did you push me?"

Xia Lihua glanced at Xia Mengrui, whose tearful eyes were shining.

Goodness, can't you give up pretending to be green tea bitch even for a short moment?

Xia Lihua was well aware that she couldn't afford to act impulsively, considering her idol image. Despite the absurdity of the situation, she managed to hold back her laughter. As a small crowd gathered to offer help to Xia Mengrui, she swiftly took the initiative.

"Oh my, cousin! How did you end up on the floor? Are you alright? Perhaps the staff just cleaned the floor, that's why it's wet and slippery. Let me help you up," she exclaimed with a concerned tone, masking any hint of amusement.

Ding Feng: "Pfft-"

Xia Mengrui: "...!!"

Xia Liyan clenched her teeth in frustration. "You were the one who pushed Rui'er! She just wanted to make up with you right now, but did you have to go that far?"

Xia Lihua felt an urge to burst into laughter. If anyone believed that a mere gentle shake, hardly strong enough to shoo away a fly, could make a grown woman like her fall, they were simply blind to the reality.

However, it was Ding Feng who stepped in to clarify. "No, Xia Lihua didn't push her. Our friend Mengrui tripped by mistake and fell down. It was purely an accident."

The onlookers instantly lost their interest. They had expected a heated confrontation, but after hearing Ding Feng's words they were convinced that the girl had fallen down on her own. There was nothing more to see.

Now, it was Xia Liyan's turn to be rendered speechless. 'Damnit, Ding Feng isn't letting them the upper hand.'

Xia Mengrui knew it wasn't possible to take a jab at Xia Lihua with Ding feng present. She got up holding Xia Lihua's hand and said, "Thank you."

With the crowd dispersed, Xia Lihua regained her true composure. Her words were like venom as she lashed out with hurtful remarks directed at her step-sister and cousin. Her emotions were raw and she no longer held back, speaking her mind without any restraint.

"Enough with the act, Xia Mengrui," Xia Lihua said, her voice firm and weary. "You don't have to pretend to be innocent. We both know what you and Xia Liyan did." She couldn't stand the insincerity any longer, and her patience had worn thin.

Xia Mengrui tried to touch Xia Lihua's hand again, but this time, Lihua pulled away, not wanting to be touched by her deceitful cousin. "You didn't have bad intentions? Please, spare me the lies," Lihua remarked, her eyes narrowing with disdain.

Xia Liyan and Xia Mengrui were stunned by shift in Xia Lihua's demeanor.

Xia Mengrui got closer to Xia Lihua, saying, "Sister, despite the things you said about me, I understand you. I won't hold any grudges. Can you forgive me for my past unreasonable behavior?"

Her tear-streaked face could easily evoke someone's sympathy.

"You both are unbelievable!" Xia Lihua couldn't tolerate their act any longer. It was a nauseating performance. "I've slapped both of you before. Are you two looking for a beating again?"