Avoid one's enemies (3)

At the mention of getting slapped, Xia Liyan and Xia Mengrui trembled with humiliation. They exchanged glances with each other, their jaws dropping in astonishment. Their eyes seemed to convey the message, 'Both of us have been slapped by this bitch?!'

Xia Lihua couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement as she watched the exchange between them. "You two might as well hug each other. You both are like two peas in a pod," she quipped.

Xia mengrui ground her teeth with such force that the pressure caused her delicate pink lips to break, blood welling up. The physical pain paled in comparison to the intense fury coursing through her veins.

Xia Liyan seethed with anger and couldn't take the humiliation any longer. "Enough! Xia Lihua, you've said enough!"

But Xia Lihua was undeterred. "If you don't like the truth, maybe you should stop spreading lies and rumors about me. I'm not going to stand by and let you tarnish my reputation while you play the victim."

Ding Feng draped his arm on Xia Lihua's shoulder and said, "Let's go. The vibe here is so bad. We are done eating, so I'll just send you home."

Xia Lihua felt her cheeks flush with warmth at the sudden closeness.

"En, okay," she replied, softly.

Ding Feng peered over his shoulder at Xia Mengrui, giving her a warning and meaningful look. Without saying a word, he mouthed, 'Know your place.'

Xia Mengrui, on the other hand, felt a mixture of frustration and embarrassment, realizing that her actions had only pushed Xia Lihua closer to Ding Feng.

However, Xia Lihua missed the interaction between Xia Mengrui and Ding Feng as her mind was a mess and she felt a bit tired because of her previous ordeal.

As they stepped outside into the fresh air, Ding Feng gently guided Xia Lihua towards his car. He opened the door for her, and as she settled into the comfortable seat, she couldn't help but feel grateful for his presence and support.

"Are you okay?" he asked, gently.

Xia Lihua nodded, offering him a small smile. "Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you for being there for me, Feng gege."

Ding Feng reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "Anytime," he said sincerely. "Remember, you're not alone in this. You have people who care about you and will support you."

Xia Lihua felt a sense of comfort wash over her at his words. She knew she could count on Ding Feng and that thought brought her a sense of peace.

The car ride was mostly quiet and he didn't want to push her to talk about it if she didn't want to.

Ring, ring.

Ding Feng's phone rang, catching his attention.

Xia Lihua glanced at his phone and saw the name displayed on it.

"It's Yang Lingyun.", she reminded Ding Feng.

"I'll answer it later."

"It seems urgent; what if he gets angry? You should pick it up."

Ding Feng frowned and phone pressed to his ear as he listened to Yang Lingyun's cold voice on the other end of the line. "Come to the hospital right away."

"Okay, I'll go there." Ding Feng's tone became a little anxious.

Yang Lingyun's words were short and to the point, leaving no room for questions. He had known Yang Lingyun for years and while they were close friends, Yang Lingyun's stoic demeanor always kept an emotional barrier between them.

"What happened?" Xia Lihua asked as Ding Feng ended the call.

"I don't really know.", Ding Feng said. "He asked me to go to the hospital. Sorry I cannot take you back home."

Xia Lihua was a bit disappointed, but she knew she couldn't be selfish. "Alright, you can leave me here. I can go back on my own."

"Are you sure?" Ding Feng asked.

"Yes, I'll book a cab."


In the hospital ward.

Xia Mengrui lay motionless on the hospital bed, her body pale and fragile, almost appearing half-dead.

Her face was contorted with discomfort, and sweat beads formed on her forehead, reflecting the harsh lights of the sterile hospital room. Her eyes were half-open, showing a mix of pain and exhaustion.

Ding Feng: "..."

Ding Feng looked at Yang Lingyun who sat by the bed with a laptop in hand, looking rather serious.

"Believe me, this afternoon Xia Mengrui was in a completely different state," he humorously remarked.

Ding Feng's attempt at humor brought a slight twitch of Yang Lingyun's lips, but his stern expression remained unchanged. He glanced at Ding Feng with a hint of annoyance before focusing back on the laptop screen. "Yes, doctor said it's nothing serious."

Ding Feng became even more confused.

'Then why did he call me here?' he wondered, trying to make sense of the situation.

As Xia Mengrui noticed that no one seemed to be taking her seriously, she sat up and spoke loudly. "Ding Feng! I got hurt. It was because of Xia Lihua."