Her plaything (2)

Liang Sichen was about to wake Xia Lihua up but Ling Feiyi said, "She looks exhausted, Liang Sichen. Instead of waking her up, why not carry her inside the villa? She needs some good rest."

The next day.

Arriving at the police station, Xia Lihua took a moment to compose herself. The imposing building represented authority and reminded her of why she was there. Ling Feiyi was the only one with her.

Turning to Ling Feiyi, she instructed, "Make sure there are no reporters or photographers nearby."

Ling Feiyi saluted, "Sure thing, boss. I'll stay outside to make sure no reporters or photographers are lurking."

With a baseball cap pulled low to shield herself, Xia Lihua entered the facility. She wore a mask to conceal her identity and maintain privacy.

In the dimly lit visitation room, Xia Lihua found her father seated on the other side of a sturdy glass partition.