Fake girlfriend

Later at night.

In the upscale VIP section of a lavish restaurant, soft lighting created an intimate atmosphere. The décor was opulent, with elegant furnishings and a breathtaking view of the city lights.

Xia Lihua was escorted to a private dining area reserved for the evening. The subdued ambiance was punctuated by the soft hum of discreet conversations, and a pianist played a gentle melody in the background.

Ding Feng, dressed in a tailored suit, rose from his seat as Xia Lihua approached. A courteous smile played on his lips as he gestured for her to take a seat.

"Xia Lihua, I'm delighted you could join me tonight," Ding Feng greeted her with a warm tone.

Xia Lihua acknowledged him with a nod, taking a seat across from him. The table was adorned with exquisite china and crystal. 

The waiter appeared, presenting the menu and describing the evening's specials. Xia Lihua studied the menu briefly before making her selection.