If you kiss me now, wouldn't I be cheating on your friend? (2)

In a seamless motion, Xia Lihua's hand darted forward, pointing her index and middle fingers directly at the juncture of Yang Lingyun's throat.

When Xia Lihua's fingers touched Yang Lingyun's throat, expecting her acupressure technique to take effect, she was taken aback by an unexpected turn of events. To her surprise, Yang Lingyun showed a level of familiarity with the move.

Yang Lingyun swiftly intercepted Xia Lihua's fingers mid-air, his hand forming a protective barrier around his throat. His counter-attack was executed with a grace suggesting years of training and experience.

In reaction to Xia Lihua's move, Yang Lingyun smoothly redirected her hand, simultaneously pivoting to take advantage of her momentary vulnerability. While doing this, he applied pressure to a specific point on Xia Lihua's wrist, disrupting the intended energy flow and nullifying the effectiveness of her initial action. His eyes, reflected a hint of satisfaction.