Lead a group of thugs (2)

In the lounge, the girls had finally snapped out of their stunned state. Those in the training room who had confidently predicted that Xia Lihua's performance would be lousy now wore pale expressions, their self-assuredness evaporating. Some of them exchanged uneasy glances, realizing they might have underestimated Xia Lihua.

When Xia Lihua came back to the lounge, Bo Yanyan slung an arm over Xia Lihua's shoulder. "Why didn't you mention that you had an mind-blowing performance prepared in advance? I was totally not ready for that, what the hell!" Bo Yanyan, who had earlier sympathized with Xia Lihua, couldn't even imagine that Xia Lihua would have created such a masterpiece in less than two days. Xia Lihua was a real monster. 

Xia Lihua flashed a subtle smirk and said, "When did I say that I was not prepared?"