His promise

Since our paths first crossed, I felt you were special. It's like you're the perfect note missing in my life's composition, and I appreciate all the songs you recorded for me. So, to express my thanks– I wish to play the piano for you, a piece called 'Aria for the Songbird.' I imagine us, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, surrounded by candlelight while you sing for me. Your eyes, reflecting the flickering flame, will hold the understanding of a thousand unspoken words. Until that day, consider this note as my sincere wish and promise. I can't wait for our melodies to come together, little bird. 

As Xia Lihua watched Xia Mengrui and Yang Lingyun on stage, a sudden memory popped into her head. She recalled the promise Yang Lingyun had made to play the piano for her. He expressed his wish in one of the notes they exchanged in the local library. Yet, he had never fulfilled that promise.