She is a devil

With her hair now cascading around her, Xia Mengrui appeared disheveled and messy. The happiness that had illuminated her eyes was replaced by a trembling fear as she struggled to understand why Yang Lingyun was acting like that. Staring at his enraged expression, she stammered, "Why are you so angry? Did I do something wrong?"

Yang Lingyun advanced, forcefully pinning Xia Mengrui against the wall. His intense gaze bore into her with unmistakable anger. 

The sound of Xia Mengrui hitting the wall reverberated, a clear thud filling the air. Clenching her fists, she felt a surge of indignationAfter all, it was Yang Lingyun's mistake on the piano that nearly ruined her performance. Why was he in such a bad mood?

The sharp pain in the back of her head made her wince. Tear welled up in her eyes naturally.