She is a devil (2)

"Can you tell me now, maybe... I always wondered why you insisted on calling me that name when we were young," Yang Lingyun lightly prodded, his curiosity clear.

"The name..." Xia Mengrui stopped, realizing she didn't even know the meaning of Yuriel. English wasn't her strong subject in school, and the unfamiliar name felt like something only Xia Lihua would use. Desperate to offer an explanation, she scrambled to think of something believable.

Yang Lingyun kept looking intently at Xia Mengrui, waiting for her answer. 

Finally, she the bulb in her head lit up and looked at Yang Lingyun with a convincing expression.

"Well, you see, Yuriel is a combination of 'you' and 'real.' I chose that name because, to me, you're the most genuine and real person in my life. It's like you're my reality," she said sincerely.

"You thought of me as your reality?" he repeated, to confirm it.