Fallout (2)

Because Old Master scolded severely, he started coughing a lot. Seeing him struggle, Xia Lihua became anxious and quickly fetched a glass of water. She gently lifted him, propping his head against the headboard, and brought the glass to his lips, making sure he drank it himself.

"Grandpa, take it easy. Don't use too much force or let anger overwhelm you. Don't speak loudly; your health isn't good. You can scold me as much as you want when you're feeling better," she advised, showing more concern for his well-being than any defiance or disagreement.

This little brat! 

He was at a loss for words. Even though her willful ways that often ignited his anger, she also cared about him. When he looked at her calm face, it had a strange charm. 

If you looked closer at her misty eyes, you could see that she had been through a lot.