Flash Marriage

"I want to get married," Xia Lihua said in a calm way as if it wasn't a big deal.

The room got really quiet as it took a long time for him to register how serious she was.

"What?" Old Master Xia exclaimed, his hand clutching his chest. 

He struggled to comprehend why Xia Lihua would say that she wanted to marry someone when she had stated not very long ago that she didn't like any man. Was her heart suddenly moved?

A sharp pain hit his chest, and the cardiac monitor beeped urgently. 

Hearing the alarming beeps, Xia Yaoying reacted with panic. "Lihua! Why would you say something so startling? You know he can't handle any shocks in this condition!" Xia Yaoying scolded. "His pulse is fluctuating. Quickly, go...call the doctor." 

Receiving a scolding from her second aunt, Xia Lihua bit her lips in a guilty manner. Indeed, her grandfather's health was not good. She didn't think her grandfather would be so shocked when she mentioned marriage.