
Feeling restless, Yang Lingyun wanted to relax by having some drinks at a nearby bar. He chose the busy Red Crown Bar downtown on a whim. When he got there, he sat down and ordered a glass of whiskey for himself. 

Ding Feng had also come back to the capital and decided to join Yang Lingyun for a drink when he invited him.

"So when are you getting married?" Ding Feng asked, taking a sip of his vodka cocktail.

"I am not getting married," Yang Lingyun replied promptly, swirling the whiskey in his glass. 

Ding Feng was startled, causing him to quickly place his glass back on the table. "You are not going to marry Xia Mengrui? Why?" 

Yang Lingyun lifted his gaze to meet his friend's. Should he say that it's because Xia Mengrui lied to him? For some reason Ding Feng didn't seem trustworthy at all; he doubted his best friend. Consequently, he chose not to respond to Ding Feng's question.