
The crew member who found the extra phone held it up and asked Tang Susu, "Is this your phone? This Weibo account was used to post malicious rumors about the show, like rigging votes and defaming a contestant."

Tang Susu's mind was blank. Her thoughts were on hold, and her head was empty like a big space filled with nothing in it except air.

What is he talking about?

Reacting instinctively, she tried to seize the phone from his grasp, demanding, "Where did you find it? Why are you saying it's mine?"

As her actions aroused suspicions, the crew member kept the phone away from her reach, saying, "It was in your drawer. Come to the director's office with us. He'll sort this out."

Protesting vehemently, she insisted, "It wasn't me! That phone doesn't belong to me. I don't know how it ended up in my drawer. I've never posted anything to defame a contestant or spread false information about the show! You must believe me!"