Trapped (2)

"Now, eliminated contestants can leave the training camp," announced a crew member. "New dorms will be assigned later due to this mess. You need stay in your current dorms for the time being."

The contestants who managed to get through the elimination went back to their dorm rooms and those who got eliminated had to leave the training camp. 


The next day 

 The remaining 50 contestants gathered in the familiar recording hall where they they usually saw on TV. The walls were decorated with shiny light blue tiles. 

The concept mission round was about to begin.

In this round, there was a twist – the mentors would also compete against each other.

Each mentor could chose 2 contestants to be the team leader. These leaders would be from both the top and bottom ranks (below rank 25). The two teams formed would then battle it out, like a clash between a pro player and a novice.