Just one kiss

Xia Lihua regarded Yang Lingyun with cold disdain. Her eyes were like shards of ice. "This is the second time my cousin has fainted recently and you're not worried?"

It seemed Xia Mengrui was developing symptoms of a panic disorder.

"Second time?" Yang Lingyun questioned, but his brow didn't crease in worry. He was not aware of anything or how Xia Mengrui was doing.

"So you really don't know?" Xia Lihua blinked, incredulous at Yang Lingyun's ignorance.

"Like I said, she is none of my concern," Yang Lingyun replied dismissively, his tone indifferent.

Xia Lihua was left speechless...did he really fall out of love with Xia Mengrui? He claimed to love her so much...

But she refrained from probing further. Whom Yang Lingyun loved or didn't love was irrelevant to her.

Men were not to be trusted and were really trash. Good thing Xia Mengrui got to date such a trash who didn't even care about her!