Just one kiss (2)

Xia Lihua's voice was no longer filled with screams, but rather, it dripped with a soft yet dangerous tone. She was most dangerous when calm and calculating; lethal like poison.

Earlier, Xia Lihua had taken out a pocket knife along with the drug and syringe, which had gone unnoticed by Yang Lingyun.

Pointing the knife at Yang Lingyun's throat, she instructed the driver, "Your name is Felix, right? Stop the car."


"Felix, your sir can't speak right now and if you don't want him to die, then I suggest you stop the car," Xia Lihua warned, her eyes glinting with murderous intent.

In the rearview mirror, Felix could see the vicious and deadly expression on Xia Lihua's face. He realized that the woman was truly ruthless and would carry out her threat without hesitation.

So, he brought the car to a halt. 

"Undo the child lock," Xia Lihua demanded. 

Felix complied and a click was heard.