You can f*ck this guy as much as you like! (2)

"Wait! Lili! It's not-"

Ding Feng wanted to run after Xia Lihua but Xia Liyan blocked his way. "She just humiliated us both and you want to chase her right now?" 

Ding Feng seized the lapels of her robe and shook her violently. "What the f*ck did you say to her?"

Gritting her teeth, Xia Liyan maintained her defiance. "What does it matter? You should be thanking me; it's a blessing in disguise. She's made it clear she doesn't want you. Didn't you hear her? She has no feelings for you. Are you delusional?" 

Despite trying to maintain a façade of boldness, Xia Liyan couldn't shake the fear coursing through her. Ding Feng looked furious and lethal. It felt like he would really kill her at any moment. 

Though Xia Lihua's words implied her lack of affection for him, he still loved her deeply. He was seething with rage towards Xia Liyan. "Just tell me what you said, you deceitful b*tch!"