He was cutting his own guts and spilling them

The Vault Night Club

The two men were drinking at the bar. 

Yang Lingyun sat beside Ding Feng, his gaze fixed on the rich amber hue of his whiskey.

Meanwhile, Ding Feng seemed intent on draining his glass in swift, fiery gulps, seeming determined to forget everything. Yang Lingyun tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. 

For the umpteenth time, Ding Feng lamented, "You know, Lili wanted to marry me... but her wretched step-sister ruined everything."

Yang Lingyun had lost track of how many times Ding Feng had repeated the same thing tonight.

Each repetition of Ding Feng's lament reopened his own wounds. That nickname was a dagger in his heart, a name he longed to call out, yet never could.


The news from his grandfather earlier that day had been a shock.

Xia Lihua, planning to marry Ding Feng? He almost didn't believe it.