He was cutting his own guts and spilling them (2)

Ding Feng's head lolled to the side as he started feeling dizzy, his mind slipping into the hazy oblivion of impending blackout. Yet, despite his near-incoherence, he continued to speak, his words slurred with pain and bitterness. "Why else... I loved Xia Lihua so much that it hurt, but she liked you. And you liked her, so it was like a thorn to me. You don't know how desperately I wanted you gone."

Something inside Yang Lingyun's head snapped. Fueled by pent-up anger, he threw a punch directly at Ding Feng's face, the force of it sending him tumbling off his stool.

In a relentless frenzy, Yang Lingyun pulled Ding Feng up from the floor only to deliver another punishing blow.

Ding Feng tried to regain his senses, and the sting of the punch made him somewhat feel sober. His diluted pupils refocused, but the pain remained starkly real. "What are you doing, Lingyun?"