Feels familiar, doesn't it? (2)

As she turned to flee, a hand shot out and grabbed her wrist. Fu Heng's grip tightened, his eyes narrowing with a dangerous glint. "Give it to me..."

Xia Mengrui struggled against his grasp. "Teacher Fu, we can't do this right now. We are being set up—"

Fu Heng pulled Xia Mengrui onto the bed and peppered her face with sloppy kisses that icked Xia Mengrui and she tried her best to push him away while her own body was getting hot. 

"Teacher Fu please listen to me—"

Fu Heng was totally lost. He did not seem to hear anything as he ripped Xia Mengrui's clothes apart. "Let's do it..."

Xia Mengrui had to escape and she did not stop fighting, but Fu Heng held her wrists and completely immobilized her. 

The darkness, the oppressive heat, and the stench of alcohol all combined into a nightmarish reality from which there seemed no escape.

