It was a lost cause

"What evidence do you have of these threats, Qin Ran?" 

"How long has this been going on?"

"Did anyone else know about this?" 

The host and the rest of the staff couldn't control the crowd of reporters. Plus, everything was being aired live on national TV. Viewers across the country watched in real-time as the scandal unfolded. It was a lost cause.

Qin Ran didn't answer every question but finally spoke again. "This has been going on for quite some time. Initially, Teacher Fu only asked me to record the songs Xia Mengrui was supposed to perform. He planned to use those recordings as back-tracks for her to lip-sync to during live performances. However, this method was risky and it failed once."

"Why would Producer Fu go that far for Xia Mengrui..." one reporter questioned, bewildered.

"This is shocking," another added, shaking his head in disbelief.