It was a lost cause (2)

The reporters were relentless and the explosive pictures were too compelling to ignore.

"Xia Lihua, were you aware of these photographs?"

"Do you have any idea who might be behind these leaks?"

"I am not aware..." Xia Lihua nearly broke down in tears. "I just don't want to turn a blind eye to Xia Mengrui's actions anymore, even though she is family. I care about my family so much, and I didn't want to tarnish our family name... I don't know..." Xia Lihua's grief and sorrow were so evident that others truly sympathized with her.

Everyone saw Xia Lihua as a victim of circumstance, someone wronged by those she loved.

They believed she embodied filial piety and deep familial love, wanting to protect her family despite their wrongs against her. Her unconditional love was so profound that she continued to care for them even when they hurt her.

When, in truth, Xia Lihua wanted nothing more than to tear her family apart and watch them bleed.