That b*tch won't let us live in peace!

"Xia Lihua, if the show gets cancelled because of you, then we will have a score to settle."

Xia Lihua met Nan Ling's fiery and intense gaze with an icy calm. "What score do you think needs settling, Nan Ling?"

"Hah! It's because of you-"

"If you need someone to blame, direct it at Xia Mengrui," Qin Ran interjected.

Xia Lihua had heard countless "because of you"s in her lifetime that she didn't even feel like commenting anymore.

"But you both ruined the live interview!" Nan Ling's voice rose in pitch as she pointed at Qin Ran and then at Xia Lihua. "Everyone on Weibo is calling for the show to be canceled, saying it's rigged. It's such a bad look! I heard from one of the crew members that there might be an indefinite hiatus!"

The commotion had drawn the attention of everyone in the canteen. All eyes were now on them.