That b*tch won't let us live in peace! (2)

"Okay, Father-in-law, I will give her a call immediately," Xia Sirong replied. She She went upstairs with quick steps. Once inside her room, she hurriedly locked the door behind her, seeking a temporary refuge from the old man's wrath.

She dialed Xia Mengrui's number. The first call went unanswered. She tried again, and this time, Xia Mengrui picked up on the second ring. Her voice came through, broken and filled with despair. 

"Mom... I was dropped from the show..." she sobbed, her words choking out in between gasps for breath.

"Rui'er, listen to me carefully. Don't come back home."


"Your grandfather is furious right now. If you come back, he'll probably drag you to the punishment hall. Don't come back."

The silence on the other end of the line was thick with dread. Xia Mengrui understood immediately that Old Master Xia had seen the live interview.