Let's make a bet

"I got vocal type..." Bo Yanyan was really about to cry. "I could have chose any other card." It felt like she was doomed. 

Qin Ran patted Bo Yanyan's back. "When Xia Mengrui missed her lines, you handled it just fine." 

"Nah, that was just a few lines!" Bo Yanyan was ready to pull her hair. "The entire song only has vocal parts and high notes. I am going to drop dead."

Xia Lihua and Qin Ran thought that Bo Yanyan was just being overly dramatic. Despite her theatrics, they knew she had the talent and resilience to pull through.

"Everyone go to the practice rooms," the host instructed. 

The contestants finally separated and headed towards their assigned practice rooms to prepare for their performances. Some of them were excited, while others didn't have a clue what to do.

Xia Lihua was waiting for her teammates to join her in the practice room.