Let's make a bet (2)

Nan Ling shot a glare at Qin Ran, her face turning red with indignation. She opened her mouth to retort but found herself speechless.

"Why are you here?" Bo Yanyan asked. "Do you have some business or...?"

"I'm here to tell you that your team won't win this round," Nan Ling said, her confidence apparent. She had Chao Fu and Dai Yuan on her team, both strong rappers and believed this gave her an unbeatable edge.

"Oh you seem quite confident." Xia Lihua's expression remained laid-back. "Then let's make a bet." 

Nan Ling had been planning to propose a bet herself, but Xia Lihua's preemptive offer caught her off guard. Her brain momentarily went blank before she responded, "Let's hear it."

"Whoever loses will kneel in front of the winner and say 'I am sorry' two thousand times," Xia Lihua stated, her face as cold and harsh as an Arctic breeze. 

Yue Mei was shocked. 

Saying 'I am sorry' for 2000 times while kneeling?