Imprisoned by her brother

Blaine stood up and went outside without a word.

Suin's legs were weak, and she fell onto the table, breathing deeply in relief like she just avoided a disaster.

But it was too early to celebrate. The young master returned shortly, bringing a dark travel bag soaked in water with him. He then threw it to her feet with the icy face.

Suin gulped. Wasn't it the exact same rucksack she threw into the river earlier this morning? Why was it here now?

"It seems like you recognize that…" Blaine spoke again, this time his voice trembling with anger.

"N-no, I don't! I don't know, whose bag it is!" She pretended to be innocent, but the man already kicked the rucksack, revealing the soaked book inside.

"This is the book that you read all day because you love the myth about dragons so much. But you are saying it has nothing to do with you?! Arianell, do you think you can fool me?!" Blaine's hand landed on her snowy white neck like he was going to suffocate her now.

"Didn't I tell you before? You belong to me and this house, stop dreaming of ever leaving again!"

"Blaine, stop! Let me go!" Suin used all the strength she could muster and separated his hand from her, coughing heavily. "Have you gone mad? I'm 16 years old already! Old enough to be engaged! I will leave this house whether you allow it or not!" She screamed. These past sentences were spoken to her as Suin, dropping the act of an obedient little girl.

Whatever was Blaine's problem, she had enough already. If she didn't misinterpret the signs, he was the sick pervert who lusted after his own sister. Even if Arianell was illegitimate and did not bear the surname Randel, they were undoubtedly related. His behaviour so far made her nauseous.

"You really think you can get married without my permission?" Blaine was like a madman. He ruffled his perfectly styled hair and left it dishevelled.

"Seems like you still have some crazy ideas in your head. Let's see if you will speak differently after a few days of confinement," he grabbed her wrist and dragged her out, leading her all the way to the wine cellar underground.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Suin screamed but could not break free due to the difference in strength.

There was no dungeon in the castle, as they used jail in the city to imprison the criminals, but the lowest floor underground was used to store wines and other liquors. It was a cold and dark room no one wanted to stay at, but it seemed like a place where Arianell was often punished.

"Reflect on your action," Blaine said after pushing her forcibly in. He then closed the heavy door, leaving the single candle inside to provide her with some light.

"Ahhhh, that crazy son of a b**ch," Suin cursed. She wasn't a little child, so the dark room didn't scare her, but the floor was wet, and she had nowhere to sit.

Suin walked around, trying to recall the original storyline in the hope of finding anything useful. It was just a few hours since she transmigrated, and now she must deal with such a lunatic.

If only she successfully escaped in the morning… Usually in stories like this, even if one transmigrates as a side character, with their knowledge of the story, they would be able to turn the events around and become a real main character.

Love, love, love… Everything that happened in the novel was about siblings meeting people who adored them. The author hasn't described anything about how the society, kingdom or the world worked. With just one exception – the Forest in the west.

In 90% of historical romance transmigration stories, the male lead is either a prince or a duke. The Kingdom of Alviraz has one crown prince and two dukedoms led by married dukes already. Both dukedoms were blessed with heirs.

The Crown prince will become entangled with Charissa so that leaves two little dukes to be available. How can she meet them? Should she head to the capital and then count on her protagonist's buff for them to fall in love at first sight? Will she have enough money to travel?


She doesn't like this. Why should she leech to someone else just to survive? She doesn't want to play the role of damsel in distress. Besides, Blaine was a complete disaster. The book never warned her of such a red flag. What is the use of a pretty face when your character is rotten to the core? If one of the protagonists' siblings is such trash, she wondered how the heroine would turn out to be.

Blaine was sitting on the couch in his office, his legs trembled with anxiety. He overdid it. He didn't mean to be so cruel to her, but when one of the servants reported the found bag, he recognized her belongings right away. Did she really try to leave, as soon as she turned 16?

The kingdom of Alviraz had two milestones in the legalization process. Once the person turned 16, they were able to get officially engaged and even inherit some property. In nobles' cases, it wasn't uncommon for fiancés to move into the same household and start living together.

But the whole independence of the house will be gained only after reaching 19. Till then, the master of the house will decide the fate of each member. Since his father was at the battlefront for so many years already, Blaine was the acting count, who decided everything in this household.

"Yes, it's just proper of me to control her life…" he told himself, as he tried to calm down. At least until she is 19. Technically speaking, Arianell was never put into the house register, therefor she is not recognized as a member of house Randel, but as an orphan. This way, her guardian was the kingdom, and Blaine had no say in anything related to her.

But he just conveniently forgot the fact, so he could find an excuse for his actions.

He knew that what he felt toward her was wrong, but he couldn't help it. She was his and no one can separate them.