The future queen is a spoiled brat

"Mmmm-mmm-mm," Charissa Randels woke up in a great mood. Not only did she have an extraordinary celebration party yesterday, when local nobles with their sons and daughters lined up, showering her with gifts and praises, but she even heard from a maid that the thorn in her eyes was locked in the cellar.

She hummed a cheerful song, as she made her way to the main office. Charissa didn't even knock and opened the door right away. Her brother Blaine was standing against the window not saying anything, he was long accustomed to her rude behaviour.

"Brother! Did you really lock her up?" Charissa giggled, sitting down on the couch without permission. "This should teach her a lesson… By the time she can get out, we will send her to baron Esben's mansion…"

"What did you say?!" Blaine who was silent till now glared at her.

"That…" Charissa's voice nervously cracked. She wasn't used to such a harsh tone from him. What has gotten into her brother again? She thought it was just her imagination, but she noticed a slight change in his behaviour toward that bastard girl lately.

He never cared for the illegitimate daughter and overlooked all the hardship that Charissa prepared for her, but when it comes to Arianell leaving the house, Blaine become unstable.

"Didn't you hear from mother? She negotiated the marriage with baron Esben… We only waited for her to turn 16, so she can be legally engaged…"

His glare intensified after listening to her, and Charissa unknowingly flinched.

"Who and when she will marry, is up to me," he said plainly, subtly threatening her to be careful of what she says next.

"But wouldn't it be good to remove that stain as soon as possible? Everyone is mocking us because father has an illegitimate child, and even my future marriage is at risk because of this scandal!"

"Charissa, nothing is hindering your marriage. After we leave for the capital, your suitors will line up, don't worry. Whether she leaves or stays, it has nothing to do with you."


She didn't dare to let out another word, as Blaine gave her a fierce look. Her brother was always nice to her. No, she was spoiled by him. But she knew that he was stubborn, and she shouldn't be trying to change his mind, if she wanted him to continue to treat her as a princess.

"You are unreasonable lately! Did she charm you, somehow? One would think that you fall in love with her!" Just as she said, Charissa regretted it immediately. It sounded so wrong. After all, they were partly related by blood, so the relationship was taboo. Surely, her brother wouldn't…?

Charissa sighed bitterly and left the office. She decided to not think about the ominous things, as such a scandal would be even worse for their family reputation, than some illegitimate child.

But before that bastard leaves, shouldn't she play with her a little bit?

Charissa was a proud daughter of house Randel, and the world should lay at her feet. She was already bored with playing around with local nobles and couldn't wait for three years later when their family would come to the capital to look for her marriage partner. If lucky, she might even become a duchess, as her father was a well-known kingdom hero!

And what if she caught the interest of the crown prince? She could even become the future queen! Just thinking about it made her girlish cheek burn. She had everything, she could wish for, but when thinking about that other daughter, she felt insecure. Just because Arianell had unusual silver hair and amethyst eyes, she thought too highly of herself.

Charissa was a few months older, so she reached her 16th birthday sooner. But to show her superiority, she pushed the celebration till now, only to organize the banquet the day before Arianell's birthday. This way, that little sl*t could see the difference in them. Just look how the official daughter is beloved, completely different from the unfavoured illegitimate child.

"Hey, bring me the key to the cellar," she ordered the maid.

"B-but, my lady… young master said no one is allowed to go down…" the maid whispered timidly.

"He has left to inspect the fiefdom, already… Do it if you don't want to be thrown out today!" Before her mama comes back, Charissa should entertain herself somehow.

The underground smelled like mold and mildew, making her cover her nose immediately. It was cold and wet, and the low ceiling with the dim light made it feel gloomy. It wasn't as scary as the underground jail, but the delicate noble lady still shivered upon the thought of being locked.

"Open the door!" Charissa ordered and the maid nervously fiddled with the set of keys. The heavy door opened with a cracking sound.

The noble lady squinted her eyes, as she couldn't see properly at first, but then recognized the person standing silently next to the candle. Arianell was composed like the dark space wasn't bothering her at all.

"Huh, playing strong, aren't you?" Charissa smirked. "How long, do you think, you can survive here?"

Suin frowned. The heroine of the book is described as 16 years old sweet but naive girl, who dreamed about a love story with a young, rich, and higher-standing bachelor. Red hair, green eyes and a lot of freckles should make her appear to be somehow cute, but the lady standing against her right now was like a poisonous flower.

Again, the description was completely wrong. You did a horrible job, author.

"What do you want, Charissa?" Suin was tired of playing the timid 16-year-old, so she just let her original character flow out. Besides, she was almost 30 years old mentally, if she succumbed to a teenage girl's provocation, she would be ashamed of herself.

"You…!" Charissa's little face reddened to the point the colour was almost the same as her hair. "I ordered you to always address me as a lady!"

"If you are going to look like a cooked lobster, no one is going to take you seriously, you know…" Suin chuckled.

"Are you crazy?!" Charissa screamed, her voice mixed with anger and disgust.

Suin rubbed her temples tiredly. If Charissa was a tad bit louder, her head would probably explode. Why was the heroine so overdramatic?

Just as Suin was thinking about how to respond, Charissa took up the fan and struck her.



Suin widens her eyes in shock. What just happened?!