Stepmother's cruelty (1)

"This is the face that suits you the best," Charissa sneered. "Know your place, you trash."

Suin touched her swollen cheek, cursing the god that transmigrated her. Instead of a romance novel, why didn't he send her to a cultivation world with a cheat system? She really needs to let out some steam right now.

To let a little girl beat her, Suin felt regretful.

She raised her hand and returned that slap.

"W-what…" Charissa's eyes were filled with tears, as she never experienced such pain.

"My lady!" The maid standing outside the cellar gasped in shock.

"Are you in pain, Charissa?" Suin asked with a cold gaze. "This is what happens when you beat someone. Don't think you are untouchable."

"You… waaaah-aaaaah!" Charissa runs out like a bolt, leaving the cellar in a hurry.

"My lady!" The maid quickly locked the door and followed after her master.

"Mama! Mama!" Charissa runs through the hall, screaming with all her might. The servants working in the mansion quickly cleared the way, as they avoided a moving disaster.

Countess Theresa Randel just returned from her outing and rested in the tearoom, when her daughter stormed inside.

"Who did it to you?!" She asked worriedly after checking the slightly swollen face.

"It was that sl*t Arianell!" Charissa sobbed. Even if her brother was taking the wrong side, her mother would always take revenge for her!

"I thought Blaine locked her in the cellar… Why did you go down? I told you to be patient until the agreement with baron Esben is reached," the countess reprimanded her.

Theresa Randel was a proud woman. She hides her wrinkles behind jewellery and heavy perfume which makes a fan an indispensable accessory for her. If she didn't use a fan to drive away perfume, she would probably suffocate.

She came from a count family and married below her status, as count Randel was only a viscount's son then. He wasn't even the oldest one, so his chance of inheriting a title was low. However, her family recognized his talent. Randel quickly rose in rank earning the county with his war contribution.

The Kingdom of Alviraz followed a noble system similar to Suin's original world medieval age. Everyone of rank baron and above can inherit the title and the land from their parents. The highest authority lay with the king who could decide how much land can noble's house control. Right now, all of the fertile lands were already bestowed leaving only the western part of the country with drylands and hostile swamps.

Randel's County wasn't large but held a high prestige. The household could live in luxury without partaking in much business as count Randel was always bestowed with many rewards and war trophies.

The countess enjoyed the high status and envious gazes of others. So, when her husband finally returned home after a long time and even brought an illegitimate daughter with him, the seed of hate sprouted inside her. She felt humiliated and swore to take revenge on people, who stained her seemingly perfect life.

"But the brother said he will be the one deciding her marriage… He won't let her go to Esben mansion…"

"Blaine left to inspect the land already. It would take him at least a week before he returns. It would be too late then…" Countess wasn't worried about any disturbance. Her son was a responsible person and he naturally felt sympathy for the less fortunate. He was raised to be a good lord, so he somehow wanted to take care of his half-sister, even if she came from dirt.

But ultimately, he would side with the countess. Her son would not betray his mother. The only danger to her was her husband. But count Randel was far away. Even if he heard about the marriage and rushed back, it would be too late then. His daughter would be defiled by a man older than her parents, and he wouldn't be able to save her. Her revenge for his infidelity would be completed.

"I'm afraid it's not a simple matter…" Charissa knew what her mother hated the most, so she tried to stir up the fire. "You know, Blaine… Isn't it possible for him to be in love…"

"Charissa! Don't even joke about something so disgusting!"

"I'm telling the truth, mama! Brother is really weird lately…"

Countess' face reddened with anger. "That sl*t! Like mother, like daughter! How dare she try and seduce my son?! Drag her here immediately!"

Charissa secretly smirked. She achieved what she wanted. Now, no one can save that b*tch that dared to slap her anymore!

Suin was sitting on one of the barrels, as she tried to meditate. She learned the technique after almost destroying the office in rage, due to the amount of work pushed to her. She wasn't even convinced, that it was working, but at least she found a way to spend the time.

Meditation was all about breathing. Take in the air deeply through the nose for at least three seconds and hold it in for a further two seconds. Next, exhale for at least four seconds through the mouth. Repeat this exercise a couple of times until it gradually transits into natural breathing.

As she was focused on getting into the nirvana, the heavy door opened for one more time. Even while being confined, people would just not leave her alone.

"Countess called for you," the maid said plainly. Since Arianell was never treated as a lady, even common servants were rude to her. What was the point in respecting someone, who will soon be gone?

Baron Esben was like a nightmare to all the maids and young unmarried girls. He was notorious for being a sleazy bag, harassing everyone. When they heard that he would be visiting the castle, all the female servants naturally avoided him, as he was secretly called Baron Pig.

To be married off to him must be a complete nightmare for any lady. But what it has to do with the maid? Even if she was sympathetic, there was nothing she could do. As long as it wasn't her, the life of an illegitimate daughter was a fair price to pay for all of them