Stepmother's cruelty (2)

Suin obediently followed the maid to the main office. Since count Randel spent all his life battling demons, the room was used by his son Blaine who oversaw the county. Now, only the countess and Charissa were waiting there.

During the walk, she tried to recall the scene from the novel. It was the opening, so she remembered it rather well. After being informed of count passing away, Arianell was asked to meet them in a similar manner. But this time, it should still be too early for such an event.

The first thing she noticed after entering the room, was the expensive vase flying in her direction. Suin swiftly dodged and the porcelain shattered against the wall.

"On. Your. Knees!" Countess fumed angrily. She has maroon hair styled into a tight updo. She looked strict and Charissa was like her little copy, only with red hair.

They both reminded her of overly decorated peacocks.

Her heart skipped a beat as she felt the strong animosity from them.

The two maids came over and each of them took one of Suin's arms, so she couldn't move away, as countess Theresa took out the wooden rod.

"I took you in, feed you, dress you, but you repay us by seducing my son?! You ungrateful brat!" And then, with each insult, she hit Suin all over her body. Be it her face, her arms or her torso, nothing was spared from her fury.

Suin held in the painful moan, as she refused to let them see her weak state. After a while, her mouth was filled with irony taste.

"Careful, mama. If you hit her face too much, she will be ugly during the wedding. What if baron Esben returned her after the first night?" Charissa smirked, as she sipped from the teacup unbothered by the torture.

"You stubborn sl*t! I don't care about the proper process. I will send you out tomorrow!" Countess breathed heavily. Not only did she vent her anger, but her hands were also stinging in pain from all the hits she had dealt.

"Madam, calm down first!" Butler finally got inside the office, as he was obstructed by other servants loyal to the countess and forced to watch a whole scene. Even though it could be considered to be betrayal and disobedience towards his employers, he still kneels between the matriarch and the beaten lady, protecting her with his own body.

"This is going against both master's and young master's order!"

"Sh*t up, you useless old man! I'm the head of the inner affairs in this house, and the marriages of daughters are up to me to decide! If you don't stop your silly act, I will get rid of you, too!" Countess plumbed tiredly on the couch.

"Lock her up to the cellar again, until the time of departure tomorrow morning!"

The maids dragged the limp Suin back to the underground, throwing her inside without a care.

Suin cried out in pain when she was finally alone again. Her body ached everywhere. As no one treated her wound, she just lay on her back.

These two witches… why wasn't she wearing any rings on her middle fingers? She would gladly show it to them!

Then, she fell asleep exhausted.

She doesn't know, how much time has passed, but Suin woke up when the rattling sound of something metallic scratched against the heavy door.

"Are you sure this is the right one?" The man whispered outside.

"Just believe… Look at this… and done!"

"My lady!" Butler and Martha ran inside as soon as the entrance opened.

"It's okay now… Don't worry, no one will hurt you anymore…" Martha cried as she started cleaning and dressing Arianell's wounded limbs. Butler also took out the small towel and wiped her face from the sweat.

"What are you two doing here?" Suin asked weakly. She was grateful for their visit, but at the same time she knew, they would get into trouble, when the countess found out. However, the butler only shook his head and signalled her to be quiet, as they led her from the underground through the tunnels used by servants only.

Finally, after a while, they ended up in the familiar kitchen. There, the butler took out the dark cloak and put it on her, while Martha pulled out the bag under the table.

"What is going on?" She asked impatiently.

"My lady, you must run away now!" Butler said urgently. "I know you are confused, but this is the only way I can keep my promise to the master of the house and protect you!"

He then laid out on the table several items, that he was safeguarding for her, while Martha stood by the door, watching out for disturbance.

"This pouch of money and the scroll are the presents count Randel sent for your 16th birthday. It's the deed to the house in west territory, where your mother used to live. I also included the map and the location, where you can find it…" he explained in a rush, as they were running out of time.

Suin was confused. Escaping was always her plan, but where did these convenient items come from?

"The messenger sent by master arrived yesterday, but he wasn't let in, as the banquet for lady Charissa's birthday was undergoing… I told him to rest at the guesthouse since he made a long journey and hoped that you two could meet personally later, but then you fell into the lake… Anyway, he might still be there, so look for him. Ask him to send a direct message to master, or better, to take you with him. The battlefield is cruel, but I believe, you will be safe by master's side…" His old hand trembled, as he was nervous. With every word sending her away, he felt like he failed.

Suin touched his hand to calm him down. "Thank you for your help, but you will get into trouble with countess for this…"

The butler let out a sad chuckle but then said with determination: "My lady, I hope you will remember my words. I will always be loyal to my master, and that person asked me to protect his precious daughter. Everything I do is to fulfil my promise towards my employer…"

"You need to leave now," Martha interrupted them. "We will do our best to halt the search party as long as possible…"

Suin decided to not waste any more time and took the bag prepared by Martha. She packed some commoner's clothes as well as dry food and water. Suin stuffed the money and scroll inside and prepared to leave.

"Please wait, my lady…" Butler still has something to say. "I think this might be a keepsake from your mother, although I'm not sure. Take it with you," he handled her small package.

Suin opened a box and found a silver medallion with an anemone flower carving inside. This was the first time she had seen it. The little flower wasn't a beauty queen among the other blooms but symbolized protection against evils, ill wishes, and diseases. It was usually given to someone you wish good health to.

But she couldn't recall if anemone played any role in the original story.

She put the necklace into her pocket and gave the butler and the maid a farewell hug.

"Thank you, I will never forget your goodwill. Don't worry about me, I will take care of myself. Stay safe, both of you…"

The servants then gave her a deep bow for the last time, as they watched her disappear into the night.