Arianell Fiore (1)

Suin listened to the voices around her.

"He is just five years old, but is very curious about the world," said the mother with her son sleeping in her embrace. They were the same people travelling in the same cart as her.

It turns out the boy's father was a soldier, but he suffered serious injuries in the recent battle. Fortunately, they saved his life, but he will be handicapped for the rest of his life. He was too weak to go back to their hometown, so she decided to take her son and move west to be with her husband.

"I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing… I want to keep my family together, but what about my boy's future? There is nothing left in the west, only despair…"

"When there is a will, there will be a way," the priest comforted her. He tried to offer cheerful words, but everyone else was gloomy.

They all have heard a story or two about the hard life in the west. Anyone sane would move away a long time ago. The people staying there either had no other option like the boy's father, or they were one or more outcasts. Even criminals would rather choose forced labour rather than be driven out to the forgotten parts.

"You will do fine, and the same goes for a boy," Kemal continued. "Humans will always find a way to survive, but if you need some advice, you should forget who you are before you settle in the west. It doesn't matter whether you were living as a maid or noble lady, everyone will start over at the same point. It would hurt less to forget the life you led here. Once you step into the west, think of yourself as a new person and abandon your previous habits. This, and to not abandon your hopes and God, is the easiest way to keep your sanity intact."

Suin thought about his words as the priest with his calm voice was very convincing.

The new person? Is that possible? Can she forget about old Suin and start anew?

She doesn't care about her name, but it was true, that she thought of herself as 'Suin' for the whole time. What about Arianell? She took over someone else body, even if it was not her choice, she still feels sympathy towards the girl who disappeared without anyone knowing.

She is the only one who can mourn Arianell, the one who gave her body to Suin. The world will be kept in darkness about this, but she will always remember.

How did Arianell live her life? Were you able to find a bit of happiness before leaving?

Suin feels bad about this, but it's not like she has any means to bring the girl back.

She hopes for Arianell to find her peace, whenever she ends up.

As for Suin… Is there any attachment left to her old life? No… She is glad to escape that hell and no matter what hardships awaited her in this world, she would not change it again.

Suin has died, without anyone mourning her.

Arianell has died, with only Suin mourning her.

Suin or Arianell, who is she really?

"I'm Arianell. Only Arianell will continue this journey," she mumbled in her sleep.

She swore to herself that she would find enough happiness for both, to forget the unfortunate lives they were forced to live.

Travellers went to sleep, only the cracking fire could be heard. Kemal, who was still awake and reading a journal, let out a sigh. He was the only one to hear her sleep-talking.

"And after I warned her to not reveal her identity…"

He raises his hand and silently casts a spell. The white magic coming from him gently soothed her frowning forehead.

"This is not much, but may God's protection be always with you, miss Arianell."

The girl relaxed her frowning eyebrows and relaxed her expression, as she was deep in sleep. This simple act caused Kemal to smile brightly.

"Your holiness…"

Just as he was in rather good mood, the shadow appeared behind him. The man was dressed in light armour and bore the emblem of the Church.

"I told you to not call me like that… How did you find me?" Kemal was slightly annoyed.

The paladins were highly trained individuals who could use both sword and divine power and listened to the orders of archbishops only. They were skilful to the point of proudly standing on par with the best royal knights. And they were very efficient when tracing the runaway priest.

Kemal was an oddball among the clergy. He was born with an abundance of divine power, and everyone was expecting him to lead the Church one day. But he declined to become the official priest, as he said that the Golden Dragon God Riwan hadn't called for him yet.

Bishops were desperate as they couldn't understand his meaning. What calling? What sign? Maybe Kemal doesn't even know himself and runs away to avoid his responsibilities.

"The archbishops want you to return immediately," the paladin conveyed.

"Go away, I will come back after I check on people in Deneb first…"

"Master, it is urgent. The military announced that we lost the battle at K'awill and even count Randel has lost his life."

Kemal looked at him startled. Of course, he knew of the count Randel, he was the beloved hero of commoners. His death will cause a stir everywhere, but most importantly, the army will be weakened and the demons breaking through the Forest was a possible future. If that happens, the ones suffering the most will be commoners and the people living in the west.

Kemal sighed bitterly. His little vacation has truly come to an end.

He looked at the girl tossing on the ground and took off his cloak to cover her up with an extra layer. The night was still cold, and she would catch the cold at this rate. The little strand of silver hair peeked out under the scarf cover, so he made sure to tuck it in.

He then followed the paladin out of the camp.