Arianell Fiore (2)

Arianell's had a great full night's sleep. She only woke up, when everyone else was packing up and ready to get on a cart to move ahead. She felt refreshed, despite laying several hours on hard frozen ground. From here, several more settlements will be on their way before reaching the Deneb.

"… the priest is gone," one of the mercenaries standing nearby said to two elderly women. They woke up early and looked for the priest to lead their morning prayers, but Father Kemal was nowhere to be found.

"I don't know what happened either, but paladins came late at night, and he left with them. Something with the Church, maybe."

Paladins were the knight's order belonging exclusively to the Church. Humans could use magic bestowed on them by the Dragon God Riwan. When used by priests, it was holy magic that could heal, when used by paladins, it was called white magic and the force could be used as both protection and attack.

Magicians were those with high elemental magic affiliations but did not associate with the Church. They usually focused on inventing magical tools, as it was a very profitable profession. And then, there were swordmasters, warriors with the ability to manipulate various kinds of magic, as long as proper source was imbued to their swords.

The last one, however, is extremely rare. Even count Randel didn't reach their level. If he did, maybe he would still be alive now.

"Are you Nella?" The mercenary came to her, giving her a small packet. "The priest left this for you."

It was a letter and something wrapped in a piece of cloth.

"Dear Miss Nella,

I'm sorry for leaving first, but I have a feeling that we will meet again.

I have not asked where you are heading and why, as I believe everyone has their journey and life is unpredictable, but if I can offer you some advice, always keep in mind who you are and what your goal is. The hell is as deep as you dig it to be, and a strong mind is the best shield you will have to survive the harsh conditions.

You are young and the danger that awaits you is not in the land. It's in the people. Protect yourself, which includes hiding your identity.

I'm leaving behind a very useful tool. It can be used as a kitchen knife.

The food you cooked was truly delicious."

From Kemal

Arianell unwrapped the gift. It was a small dagger with a simple wooden handle.

"This is a kitchen knife? It's clearly meant for self-defence."

But as Kemal was almost a priest, he probably felt conflicted about giving her a weapon.

If no delay occurred, they would reach their destination in a few days. She was especially excited, as it meant getting closer to her new home. She quickly gathered her luggage and waited for others to finish tidying up the improvised camp. She was in a daze thinking about a lot of things and completely missed the murmur.

People gathered and discussed something passionately. There was a panic in their voices and merchants were arguing with the mercenary group.

"No way! He is dead? But he was the kingdom's hero! What will happen to the army now? Who is going to lead them?"

"Don't tell me the demons are gonna break through Forest this time?!"

"Then, won't the entire west become a battlefield?! Everyone will suffer!"

The news of count Randel's death spread like wildfire and finally caught up with her. Luan had left several days ago, but as they were busy travelling, the group was the last one to receive the news that was the hot topic right now.

The news was first delivered to the family and the king, soldiers and Church, and only after that, they released the news to the public. It stirred up both the nobility and the commoners. He was at the frontline for many years, and even though he couldn't conquer any land, he was still able to defend the Alviraz kingdom from the threats.

For many, he was an embodiment of assurance.

While people whispered their worries, the argument between the merchants and mercenaries escalated. The latter insisted on withdrawing from the guarding, as unexpected news posts a much bigger risk for them. They were hired to fend off bandits and wild animals, but demons were on an entirely different level.

"What do you mean by leaving? That's a violation of our agreement! Your group will lose credibility!"

"But it's better for us to stay alive! Haven't you heard anything about the demons? Their skin is as tough as a steal, their blood poisonous and even without a weapon, their bare hands can smash a mountain! Look at our swords! It won't stand a chance!"

"What about us and transported goods then!"

"In a few days, royal knights will be passing through this plain. Just go with them!"

The mercenary then turned their backs and prepared to return to their guild. If they abandon their mission halfway, they will suffer consequences, but no amount of money was worth their lives.

Travellers standing around nervously looked at merchants, waiting for their decision. If they don't move, then everyone will be stuck here with them. Fortunately, they have enough water and food to last for a few weeks, but what after that? They were in the middle of drylands!

Travellers looked at each other confusedly. Eventually, there was also an option to leave by foot, as several smaller villages could be found along the way, but how long would it take? The elders and children won't be able to make it.

Arianell thought about it for a second and made a bold decision. She doesn't want to wait with them. She didn't know how long it would take to walk all the way, but she was prepared to give it a try.

"Please sell me a lamp. Also, give me the food and water you should provide for the rest of the journey."

The merchant was taken aback by her sudden request, but he had no time to care about someone else. It has nothing to do with him, whether she dies or lives. He packed things she asked for and then swiftly left, not sparring her another word.

The lamp he sold was the most basic one, that was lighted by candle. She then made sure she had enough water. It weighed a lot, but water is essential for survival after all. The land was dry with nothing growing on it, but there were wells bringing the water from the depths.

She survived harsher conditions. This will be nothing.

Arianell then left the group and went alone ahead. She didn't make any friends and even the priest whom she talked with the most, was gone, so she didn't bother saying goodbyes. Many people shook their heads in disbelief as they watched the disappearing little girl dragging her way too big luggage.