Forgotten Memories (1)

"What the hell…" Arianell opened her eyes, only to be blinded by the shining lights again. Her surroundings changed drastically but somehow, she wasn't even bothered by it. She couldn't see the floor, it was like she was floating in the middle of nowhere.

"S…uin…" The whisper-like breeze resonated around her. She tried to pinpoint the direction of the speaker but without avail. Like it was coming from her mind, rather than somewhere around.

"W-who are you? How do you know me? Can you show yourself?"

"The time… is not right… Your soul is still damaged." The voice was deep like coming from something enormous, Arianell had a chill all over, but at the same time realized, that there was no hostility in the air. Whoever was speaking to her meant no harm.

"I don't understand! Please show yourself!"