The Swordmaster Return (1)

"Retreat! Retreat!" 

Vincent screamed with all his might, but there was hardly anyone listening to him. No matter how many soldiers you have, without a proper commander, they are no better than canon fodders. Two hundred flying demonic beasts attacked from the sky, while others besieged the fortress, trying to get in through the gates.

Vincent cursed his incompetence. Due to the lack of intel, he foolishly sends the royal army away. He was confident in protecting the castle with the minimum of troops. But that was the moment demons were waiting for. As the human army broke up into smaller fractions, they attacked without any prior sign on several fronts.

At first, the human army was at an advantage, as they settled inside the thick walls, thinking the sturdy barrier could protect them. However, the lack of motivation and leadership soon proved to be a problem that could cost them lives.