The Swordmaster Return (2)

"What am I supposed to tell him? I have barely counted the dead!" Vincent wondered as he was walking through the hall with a group of knights following him.

"How can we know? The one with the brain here is you! We only know how to fight!" Everyone present, including Gant, has known Luan for several years, so they were clear about his unfriendly nature. Despite that, they were still curious about where he had been, so they tagged along.

Of course, no one was willing to enter the same room, just eavesdropping behind the door was enough.

Vincent sighed in defeat and contemplated about the roasting awaiting him. He was expecting some support from the group of middle-aged men, who were the toughest nuts to crack on the battlefield. But sometimes, they just behaved like complete cowards, not ashamed a bit.

"Commander, it's me," Vincent knocked on the door reluctantly.
