The Sleeping Beauty (1)


'Calm down, she is only sleeping.'

The fox stood up and stepped back as it was revealing the resting beauty. Luan rushed to her, carefully lifting her upper body to his embrace. He quickly noticed her burnt skirt and injured leg. Her face was pale, but her breathing was stable, indicating that she was alive.

'Her shoulder is dislocated, the ankle sprained, but the burnt is not life-threatening,' the beast explained, and Luan lost more colour from his face with each word. The grown-up magical beast possessed the same intelligence as a human, but due to their long age, some of them were even wiser. They have no reason to lie and only speak to humans when they find it necessary.

'The real issue will probably lie in her mind, the injury caused to the heart might not be visible, but sometimes are even worse than the open wounds. The herbs in the Forest can heal any body harm, but for her soul to recover, you must take her with you.'