The Sleeping Beauty (2)

Vincent stood before the inn nervously. 

What was going on tonight?

As a vice-commander, he knew nothing.

Two knights that accompanied Luan and Gant returned with a few drunkards. They captured them as the commander ordered but were unsure of what to do next. Since Vincent didn't know their leader's intention, he had them locked in the stable for now.

He anxiously looked to both sides of the road repeatedly, until finally hearing the horses galloping getting closer.


Luan's icy cold face was as always, but Gant was panting profusely. His eyes met with Vincent's and gave him a warning look.


Vincent's expression was full of confusing marks when he realized that Luan wasn't alone. A small limp figure wrapped in a dark cloak was carried as the most precious princess.


Gant grunted and jumped before the vice-commander, blocking his mouth with his hand.