The Hero’s Wrath (1)

Viscount Hebel was a typical nobleman, full of himself, living in his own fantasy about his importance. He was just a little lucky to get the position that everyone frowned upon. Compared to those from other regions, even lower-ranking baron was better off than him. 

But on the other hand, many people would call him a good lord, as he doesn't meddle in the affairs of commoners. As the citizens of the west don't have anything, he can't take anything from them. As long as the kingdom's supplies arrive at the right time, he doesn't need to worry about riots.

Even his appearance couldn't be more common. A chubby man with a satisfied belly, and dim brown hair that couldn't even remember their shining days. As long as he got enough food on the table, he was contemptuous of his lifestyle. He long abandoned the dream to relocate to the capital, as he could only pretend to be respected at this forsaken place.