Suin and Argenis (1)

"How are you feeling today?"

"It's much better. Thank you, Father," the woman humbly answered. She was dressed in old clothes that had been patched too many times. Due to the lack of hygiene, she was embarrassed to show herself before people from the city.

Everyone in the slum was in a similar situation. They get by doing menial work but are often overlooked. The rich would avoid them saying the odour coming from the poor was nauseating, the clinics would turn them away as no one cared whether they lived or not.

But the travelling priest who came once weak always treated them with respect. No matter how dirty the person was, he would treat them the same and without charge. The provisional clinic that he had set up was always full of people till late at night.

"Don't forget to come next time again, your injury needs more care."

"Yes, Father."