Sacrifice (2)

 Luan looked at her like she just contracted the madness herself.

"Impossible," he said plainly to her revelation.

"I mean it!" She insisted. "That woman outside calmed down after biting my hand!"

"You are wrong," he left no space for her to argue back.

Arianell looked at Kemal for help. The priest also wanted to solve the current situation as soon as possible, so he would surely support her claim if it helped to end this madness. But his face was just as disapproving.

"You two don't believe me… I also need some more experiments to be sure… That's why, could you bring some sick patients?"

All she needs to do is to feed them her blood. If they get better, she will confirm her theory.

"I said no," Luan groaned. His voice was low like he was angry at her stubbornness.