A Proposal (1)

Luan rubbed her hands for hundred times as he made sure that no scar was left behind. He caressed her palm, turning it over and over until Arianell's arm grew tired of endless movement.

"There is nothing…" She told him again. Kemal healed her cut as soon as they gathered enough of her blood, not letting a single drop go to waste. But Luan didn't believe anyone's words until he checked with his own eyes and hands.

"Nothing is visible on the skin, but you lost too much today…" He was adamant about treating her like a glass doll that could break down anytime.

It was true that she felt a bit faint, but she only gave up half a litre. That much won't cause any trouble to her and will replenish on its own.

"This was the last time… I will never let you sacrifice yourself again…" Luan groaned with his head dropped on her shoulder. He hugged her from behind and pressed her face into her skin, making sure that she wouldn't disappear without a word.