The Betrayal (1)

Riwan flew as fast as he could to reach the battlefield before it was too late. As he approached the place, the smell of blood became stronger and stronger, penetrating all his senses with the foreboding of something ominous.

"Am I too late?" He couldn't help but feel regretful when he saw the bodies on the ground. No matter whether it was a demon or human, both laid death in the bloodiest bath he had ever seen. He landed on the space among the overturned wagons and carriages that used to carry the demons to their new destination.

"My lord! Our god is here!" The knight called in relief. He was hiding and trembling, afraid to end like his comrades.

"What happened here?" Riwan asked but didn't get any answer. The soldier crawled on the ground, hugging his lord's leg.

"Please save me, god! The demon… The demon's queen is trying to wipe the humanity…!"

"Noirelle? Where is she now?"