More like obsession


Just like the blink of an eye, the forty-seven-minute flight to Rome landed, but Bella could not shake off the feeling that she was going to encounter someone she wishes to avoid so much. She looked around the airport, walking hand in hand with Leon, while John sluggishly walked behind the couple, rolling his suitcase like a third wheel whose spirit was about to depart from his body, witnessing the public display of affection the couple before him was showing off.

"Will clearance be okay? You know it's his mum we are going up against," Bella spoke up after thinking much about it on the plane and received a nod from Leon.

"At first when I began developing doubts about his mum, he was the first I voiced out my worries to, thinking he might be emotionally hurt, but that wasn't the case. I even found out that his only relationship with her was being his birth mum."

"Meaning she didn't raise him?"