

I took a deep breath, staring at the scenarios outside the car. A smile unknowingly appeared on my face, remembering the memories from the last time I visited with Uncle Alex and Kiara. With a smile still on my face, I turned to look at Leo, who had a faraway expression, quite different from the one he had while welcoming us at the airport.

I sighed as realization dawned on me that he was still the same Leo I knew – always with a huge mask on, hiding his true emotions and finding ways to keep himself busy.

"Do you want to know why I never truly accepted your proposal?" I said, still smiling to see him finally back to earth.


"It wasn't because you weren't into the mafia business or because you were following me around like a dog," I said, just to have him chuckle. "It was because you never seemed to be your real self; you were always around me but far away."