Privileged Skill

It was when he made eye contact with the man that he realized that the man has an avatar behind him, the avatar is a medium-built middle-aged man wearing office attire, probably a manager or some sort in a company.

Blake didn't realize that it was the man's avatar until he got close since the place is crowded.

[Lvl. 18 - DollBill04]

Above the man, he could see the man's information menu that stated his level as well as his gamer tag. Blake ponders for a moment before he remembered something, "Salana, how can I tag his location?"

"Point at his information menu, and let the energy guides you" Salana replied.

Upon hearing what Salana said, Blake did exactly as he was told.

Pointing at DollBill04's information menu with his index finger, he suddenly felt a surge of unknown energy inside of him, it feels like ants crawling inside his body and heading towards his index finger.

It was then, he saw the tip of his index finger glow with a red light.

Judging from the reaction from the guards around the place, Blake assumed that this red light can only be seen by him and him alone. None of the guards reacted despite the red light shining brightly.

[Player Moon Despoiler has activated a privileged skill, PK Target!]

[Set command for the privileged skill]


Not wanting to think for too long, Blake then set it to the first word that came to his mind.


Exactly at the moment he set and chants the command for the PK Target privileged skill, an invisible energy visible only to his eyes shot forward swiftly and hits DollBill04's information menu and dying it completely red.

It was a bullseye, yet the man didn't seem to realize what had just happened.

"Huh? So this privileged skill didn't alert the player that has been targeted by me?"

Blake was surprised by this, he was expecting the man to feel something and react when his location is pinned by him. But turns out, he didn't do any of that, he was completely clueless that he was tagged.

If that's the case, then the PK Target privileged skill is pretty overpowered.

Players would have a mental breakdown when Blake finds them multiple times easily and kills them over and over again, he can actually bully players if he wanted to, and that's a fun option to have.

Salana put on a smile before she shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly, "Of course, not."

"Privileged skills are skills exclusive only to privileged players, they are very unique, and different Privileged Players have access to different Privileged skills. So it's natural that the skill is very, very powerful. I told you that it's a big deal" she added.

Listening to his, Blake now realized how strong being a privileged player can be.

Although he still doesn't know the exact mechanism in this game when he kills a player, he knows for a fact that dying means losing a level. If he pinned a player and really wanted to, he could bully them out of the game.

Even the thought of it makes Blake feel dirty. However, he's up for all of it.

'I could be the biggest bully in the entire game! As long as I win, I could PK them repeatedly until they are under my mercy, muahaha!' Blake thought evilly, his eyes even glowed a bit, responding to his excitement.

Gazing at the man that already reaches far, Blake can see a reddish aura coming out of him.

Clearly, it was the PK Target privileged skill effect, the reddish aura will keep on coming out of the targeted players and expose their location. Only Blake can decide to stop this, nobody else can.

With this skill, he could literally follow the man to the end of the world.

Nothing seems to obstruct the effect of the privileged skill, the man wouldn't be able to hide.

'Maybe, as opposed to now, I'll try to attack that guy later in the night when I'm stronger and more aware. I hope he got out of the city, but even if he didn't I could still try to bypass the guards' eyes' Blake thought before he left the Carymount Nexus.

Out of curiosity and desire to become an adventurer, he went to the third section.

Blake was stopped at the entrance towards the third section which are stairs leading up, he was asked to entrust his weapon to the guards since he was a visitor, and he didn't retort and gave away his weapon before the guards let him inside.

Despite feeling unsafe, there are procedures, and he didn't want to cause a problem.

Upon reaching the third section, he was greeted by a different sight

Although he already considers the fourth section to be neat and well-built, he was even more surprised to find the third section is even better, it was on another level. Even the air is fresher here compared to the fourth section below.

Seeing that the buildings are adorned with plants and trees, it was not that shocking.

Exploring the third section, Blake finds the place is dominated by sand and white color, and the buildings are bigger and way more majestic. He feels tiny in comparison with the huge buildings around him, similar to the real world.

'Fewer guards here too, maybe that's why I need to give them my weapon' Blake thought.

Moving his attention away from the buildings, he also finds that the people here are not wearing normal clothes like long garments. But instead, the people here are wearing shiny armor and sheathed weapon.

It's obvious that they are adventurers, belonging to the guilds associated with the city.

Blake feels like a peasant with these adventurers around.

"Should I stop by an armory to grab some equipment? I think I should" Blake muttered to himself, he feel out of place, and he also needs more protection for hunting and leveling up so he should buy the necessities.

Of course, he wouldn't abandon the jacket and sword that he got from the giant bear.

Going along the paved road with steady steps while looking left and right excitedly, Blake finds that the third section was not as big as the fourth section, this section mostly hosted guild centers and shops for adventurers.

One noticeable thing that he found was three buildings with fluttering large flags.

Judging from the flags as well as being the most crowded place of the third section, Blake can safely assume that these buildings belong to the big guilds, and he has three of them to choose from.

A moment later, he finally reached the armory to buy some equipment.

Blake walks into the armory and finds himself in the middle of numerous weapons and armor that are being displayed inside a glass box for customers to see. Each of them lusters with their own charm and sharpness, trying to tempt anyone to buy them.

It was a sight to behold, he has never seen so much equipment displayed like this.

'Well, I lived most of my life in an office. Before the game was launched, I haven't even seen a sword with my own two eyes in my whole entire life' Blake thought with a wry smile, he lived quite a generic life, and now it's starting to change.

Surprisingly, the armory is at the very least as big as a soccer field, it was humongous.

Adventurers with different styles of attires and armor can be seen looking around, in search of a companion to accompany them in battle. Inside this place, the feeling of the MMORPG games that he usually played was amplified.

It reminded him about the blacksmith that players used to enhance their weapons.

"If I'm you, I would get a scythe if there's one right here. Instead of learning from the ground up with a sword, you'll be better off harnessing your innate proficiency in scythe weapons" Salana advised, she already read every single one of his skills so she knows about that.

Remembering his skill, the Perfect Scythe Proficiency skill, he decided to accept her advice.

Compared to his Sword Proficiency skill which is only a C-grade skill, the difference should be very wide. The mercenary leader he fought yesterday was overwhelmed with a C-grade proficiency, he couldn't imagine what an S-grade proficiency looks like.

'Sadly, the Shadow Trinity is also a sword. Maybe I should dismantle it?' Blake ponders.

Last night when he accidentally completed a coupe of Chain Racial Quests from helping Tara, he obtained a weapon called Shadow Trinity. It's a sword-type weapon that sadly requires him to be level 35 as well as having at least 200 agility points.

It's quite strong but he couldn't use it due to his level, so it's sitting in his inventory.

Blake takes a walk around the armory in search of a scythe-type weapon, he scours the entire place until eventually, he finds what he was looking for at the left corner of the place, inside a rectangle glass box.

"Are you new here?"

Out of nowhere, a voice seeped into his ears, forcing Blake to turn to his right.

Seeing an ordinary-looking man wearing a simple fitting green breastplate as well as leg armor to fit his appearance, Blake raised his eyebrows in question, he didn't know why this man is talking to him right now.

Upon seeing Blake's expression, the man smiled and pointed at the glass box.

"I don't see your emblem anywhere, so I assume you're a visitor. See here, the edge of the box is colored blue, so visitors can't buy it. If you want, search for some with a white edge" the man explained.

In response to this, Blake smiled back, "Thanks for the info"

Just then, the man signaled to walk to the side and Blake decided to follow him. Stopping in front of another glass box, he then signaled to the clerk that he wanted to see the weapon inside the glass box.

The weapon is also a scythe, but this one is definitely a lower grade than the previous one.

"Go on, try it out and see if you like it," the man said.

Blake then shifted his eyes towards the simple green scythe that the clerk is holding in her hands right now, he walks over and grabs the scythe from the clerk to inspect it. A couple of prompts from the system then appeared.

[Swiftdrive Scythe]

Level: 20

Grade: D

Item Quality: Good (100/100)

Stat Increase: +40 Agility +20 Strength

Description: The Swiftdrive Scythe is a basic yet well-crafted weapon measuring two meters in length from the tip of its curved blade to the end of its long handle. It's made of lightweight material and is infused with the Swiftdrive Falcon feathers which makes it lighter and sharper.

Looking at this, Blake nodded his head as this scythe is decent.

Wanting to try it out, he decided to swing the Swiftdrive Scythe lightly to the empty space in front of him but then something expected happened. As he swung the scythe, it suddenly cracked before shattering into a million fragments.

Blake as well as the man and the clerk were stunned, feeling the same shock.
