Visitor Discrimination

Even the white-bearded old man that has whose senses weakened from the test of time was surprised when he saw Blake manage close the distance and landed a direct punch, forcing Axel to cough a mouthful of blood.

It was too sudden, the white-bearded old man didn't expect the fight to go like this.

"Magic user...?" the old man uttered in surprise.

Due to Blake's appearance, many thought of him as a simple person including the white-bearded old man. However, he was not, he turns out to be a magic user disguised as a simpleton roaming about in life.

Magic in itself is not a rare power, there are many magic users out there.

But despite the objective fact, it just so happens that all of the most powerful people are magic users with the exception of some anomalies. Additionally, the spell that Blake used has nothing to do with the normal magic elements.

"Shadow spell!" Issaiah exclaimed as his eyes bulged open.

Albeit having a hunch that Blake is strong, judging from his confidence, he was still surprised.

It should be obvious that he was definitely strong as he broke those weapons from earlier. However, Issaiah still feels his skin crawl when he realized that Blake is not just a magic user, but he was a Shadow user.

Shadow users are one of the most feared magic users out of all the elemental branches.

People who are born with a dark or shadow-related class are typically avoided, it's no coincidence for those two elements to be attracted to those people. Typically, Shadow or Dark users has a darker side to their soul and personality.

Nobody wanted to mess with those kinds of people.

One wrong move then one might find the Shadow user coming to meet them in the night.

Realizing the reaction from the onlookers upon him using his Shadow Step skill, Blake frowned, it seems shadow users are not normal magic users, 'Is it that bad to use Shadow spells in the open like this? Tara and Linthia don't seem to mind about it, except for the Blood spells, so I thought it's fine'

Focusing his attention back on Axel, he pulls back his fist slowly and straightens his back.

Blake could've ended the fight right there by using the sword to stab Axel, yet he didn't. Since he was excited and pump-up for this fight, he doesn't want the fight to end too quickly or else he won't be satisfied.

If possible, he wanted to dwell in the fight a little bit more before ending it.

Grinding his teeth in anger, seeing Blake's nonchalant attitude, Axel raised the huge saber above his head. The blade slowly glowed with a reddish hue, showing that he has cast an enhancement skill on it.

"Raging Slash!"



Clouds of sand burst as his huge saber slammed into the ground.

Blake already jumped away and dodged the attack rather easily because he had anticipated it. But he finds something strange, Axel doesn't seem to be that damaged from his punch which is rather weird.

'I put most of my power into that, he should've been more injured. Is it a defensive skill?'

"No it's not, you're a temporary human now, remember?"

Salana commented from the side, reminding him that he was temporarily a human.

Upon hearing this Blake glanced at her with one of his eyebrows raised, he also squinted his eyes suspiciously, "Can you hear my thoughts or something? How can you know what I'm thinking exactly?

"It's obvious what you're thinking, I'm keener than you think" Salana replied teasingly.

Landing away from Axel, Blake raises his eyes before he quickly opens his status window to check the changes. He finds that his physical stats have decreased by quite a considerable amount compared to the last time he checked.

Salana was right, the Transformational Token changed his race temporarily.

Albeit that's the case, he still has access to his innate skills.

Only his physical make-up has been changed from Spectral Vampire to human. Because of that, his physical stats have regressed to that of a human. However, he could still use his skills without a problem.

Holding his sword in front of him with both hands, he taunted Axel, "Let's dance!"

"Don't get cocky, you bastard!" Axel growled in response.

Pouncing at Blake like a tiger, he swung his huge saber left and right with extreme precision. But each was either blocked or dodged by Blake, it seems despite his weakened physique, he is still way stronger than Axel.

Of course, this is mainly attributed to the Nocturnal Blood Sight skill that he has.

Since he could predict an attack through blood, Axel doesn't have a chance from the start.


Blake parried the saber before he landed an uppercut kick on Axel's chin.

Upon receiving that heavy kick, Axel was sent stumbling back a couple of steps in pain.

Recovering from that strong kick, his eyes dilated seeing Blake is already above him swinging his sword down. The muscles in his arm bulged as he activated one of his stronger Gladiator Class skills.

"Colossal Slam!"



Axel raised his saber to block but the force behind the attack send him to one knee.

Once again, the onlookers gasped in unison as they watched Axel, a veteran adventurer with years of experience, being put to one knee by an unknown visitor. Clearly, the fight has taken an interesting twist, the visitor is winning.

Many of them praised Blake's battle instinct as well as skill.

A forceful strong blast also hammered the onlookers, spreading the spirit of the battle.

Being humiliated for the second time is the last straw that Axel has, his mind degrades as his anger started to take over. If he lost here, then he would lose his face inside the city, and would be forced to look down everywhere he goes.

Not wanting that, Axel activated his signature Berserker Class skill.

"Crimson Fury..."

In the next second, the veins all over Axel's body started to bulge and turn red strongly.

Feeling his body become stronger, he pushes Blake away.

Seeing that Axel has already used one of the signature skills that makes his body stronger the angrier and the more injured he gets, the onlookers shake their heads dejectedly, it should be a wrap after this.

"Well, it's fun while it lasts. That guy wouldn't be able to beat Axel now"

Having the same thought, Issaiah panicked.

"Oh, no... he's going to be in trouble now" he uttered softly, concerned for Blake.

Despite doing well enough to suppress Axel through the first part of the duel, he was way stronger when he activated his Crimson Fury skill. It's a skill that quickens the blood circulation of its user, propelling him to have close to two times his original physical strength.

But even then, Blake doesn't seem to be intimidated by this front.

Axel now looks more menacing thanks to the glowing red blood veins inside of him, however, Blake ignored this and cast Shadow Step. Appearing behind Axel again, he uses the Thrust skill but got blocked.


"Now you've done it kid, I'm not going to hold back anymore," Axel said fiercely.

Even then, Blake ignored him and smiled when a system prompt appeared.

[Congratulation, your mastery over the Shadow Step skill has been increased to Good!]

Knowing that he would need more power to match with Axel right now, Blake pours all of his attributable stat points, 24 of them into his strength stat before he cast the Shadow Step skill again and made his move.

Compared to earlier, the time his body was swallowed by the shadow has become faster.

It was the effect of his mastery over the skill increasing.


Reappearing on the opposite side, he managed to land a solid hit to Axel's chest.

But since he was using strong chainmail, the attack didn't cause a deep slash wound, it only knocked the air out of his lungs due to the brunt of the force of Blake's swing. Not stopping there, he then keeps repeating the series of attacks.

Despite powering up, nothing changed for Axel, he was overwhelmed again.

Since his mana pool has increased substantially, he could actually spam his Shadow Step skill. Axel was at a loss for words as he could touch Blake. Every single time he tries to retaliate, his saber hits nothing but air.

Frustration can be seen clearly on Axel's face, "DAMN YOU!! RAGING SLASH!"

As each attack to hit Blake failed, Axel swung down towards the ground intending to decimate the entire place. He could only hope that this would help him find an opening to attack Blake.

But before his saber could hit the ground, it met with Blake's sword.

"Colossal Slam!"

Enhanced with the Colossal Slam skill, Blake managed to stop Axel's saber mid-track.

On top of that, he also sent Axel staggering back.

[Basic Sword durability has reached 0! The item is destroyed!]

Under the relentless attack that Blake did throughout the fight, the sword in his hand couldn't withstand more and shattered. But this doesn't faze Blake as he landed a rising knee on Axel's chin, rattling his brain.

Even a cracking sound can be heard as Axel's chin broke from that knee he received.

It was so strong that Axel was lifted off of the ground.

At the same time as this, the door towards the testing ground was opened forcefully and a figure came inside with hurried steps. But the figure was stunned seeing Axel is on the air with Blake right beside him.

Following his attack, Blake grabbed ahold of Axel's face roughly.

His fingers dug into the side of his face before he then slammed Axel's head down onto the ground with all his might, not showing any mercy whatsoever to his enemy that has been sent into the dreamworld ever since he was kneed on the chin.


Blake looks at Axel and saw that he was already unconscious, he was defeated.

Despite being the caste, Blake knows that it's always best to land a second finishing blow before leaving an opponent, especially when he was not aiming to kill the opponent. Just in case they were pretending.

It would be careless and stupid of him to not do that and get attacked from behind.

Knowing that if their situation was switched, Axel wouldn't hesitate to finish him off, Blake would also not hesitate in doing so. Just as he was about to land the finishing blow, a shout suddenly came from behind him.


Upon hearing this, Blake halted his fist and glanced over his shoulders.

Near the door, he finds another man wearing a similar outfit to the one Axel is wearing. It should be another member of the same guild, basically another trouble that Blake needed to deal with.

Shrugging his shoulders, Blake stands up and turns towards the man.

"Are you going to keep on attacking him despite he was already clearly knocked out?!"

"Don't talk as if I was the one at fault, he initiated this first"

Crossing his arms in front of him, Blake stand his ground as he was not searching for trouble earlier and was happily trying to shop in the armory. Yet Axel and his goons came looking for trouble, and he doesn't want to be viewed as a pushover.

But as he shifted his eyes to the man's information menu, Blake frowns.

'Level 51...' he thought inwardly.

Looking at the arrogance Blake is showing right now, the man's expression turns grim as he unsheathed his beautiful deep blue sword, "How dare a visitor cause a ruckus in the city... know your place, nobody is going to side with you"

"I was going to let you go, but it seems you need to be taught a lesson" he added deeply.

Finding that the two were about to fight, the staff and Issaiah panicked.

None of them dared to stand in their way lest they got stuck in the middle. But then, another figure suddenly appeared and stands in between them with a stern expression, "Stand down, I'm gonna need you to stop there, Julian"

"Who are you?" Blake asked, surprised to find someone interfering.

Upon hearing this the man glanced back sharply, "Shut up and leave this to me, visitor..."