Mistaken as an Assassin

Blake was surprised when someone decided to step in.

Judging from the man's attire, a leather apron, thick boots, and a long-sleeved white shirt, he was quite sure that the man is a blacksmith. Possibly the owner of this armory if Blake had to guess.

Looking at the man's information menu, Blake can see that the man is really strong.

Compared to the man called Julian who was about to engage with him earlier, the blacksmith is very high-leveled, sitting at level 86 which is the strongest NPC that Blake has ever seen during the time inside the Lunaris game world.

"Old Brian, don't get in the middle of this! He needs to be taught a lesson" Julian rebutted.

But the blacksmith, Old Brian stands his ground and gave Julian a sharp glare, "Brat, are you talking arrogantly to me? I told you to piss off, and that's what you're going to do" he replied with a harsh tone.

Seeing that Old Brian didn't budge, Julian hesitates strongly.

It's hard for him to leave, especially with one of his guild members humiliated like this.

Albeit he was hesitant, he eventually yields.

Old Brian is one of the better blacksmiths inside Carymount CIty, he has many connections and has quite a standing in the city. Offending him will not only be bad for Julian, but he also will get in trouble with the guild master.

Clicking his tongue in defeat, Julian signaled to bring Axel away through his eyes.

Both goons that came with Axel quickly carried Axel away.

Giving one last look at Blake that is standing behind Old Brian with a hint of anger, Julian turns his body around and he left alongside the others with him to alleviate the situation and give a face to Old Brian.

Peeking from the back, Blake then asked, "Are they gone, now...?"

"Come with me you brat, don't think that you're off the hook yet" Old Brian pinched his ear with his big fingers and tweaked it up, treating Blake like a kid that has done something wrong and is now getting punished.

Blake was then pulled out of the testing field without knowing why Old Brian is doing this.

A moment later, Blake is standing in front of Old Brian's gaze.

Currently, he was inside what seemed to be a huge forgery that created those weapons he was browsing through earlier. Flames, sturdy metals, forging equipment, and even failed products can be seen decorating the entire place.

'Damn, the heat is killing me. What does this dude want anyway?' Blake thought.

It's been more than a minute that Old Brian kept his mouth shut, saying nothing to him. 'Things were about to get good earlier, I wanted to see how it would feel fighting that Julian guy and test my limit. But then this old man came'

Albeit annoyed, he decided to play safe and polite knowing that Old Brian is influential.

Smiling innocently, he then said with a polite tone and minding his manner lest he offends Old Brian, "I'm grateful for you helping me out there, Sir. I don't know what would happen without you there"

"Stop acting innocent, I know you're disappointed that I intervene" Old Brian snorted.

Upon hearing this, Blake's expression froze as he was not expecting Old Brian to know that.

"Pffft! I told you that you're easy to read, your expression is like an open book, stupid Blake" Salana laughed from the side, seeing that even Old Brian can tell what he was thinking just from looking at his face.

In response to this, Blake could only clench his fists as he felt violated.

Old Biran then continues with a sigh, "I saw you coming into the city, and I recognized the woman you were with. Aside from knowing that the incident is probably Axel's fault, I also wouldn't want to mess with someone associated with that guild"

'Oh, he knows about the Infernal Veiled Assassin Guild?' Blake realized.

Joining the Infernal Veiled Assassin Guild has become more tempting because even Old Brian recognized it, but he shrugs that thought away for now as it seems there's an internal problem going on with that guild.

Linthia and Tara are on the run, and the ones chasing them were assassins.

Clearly, there's some kind of conflict going on. Blake doesn't want to get involved with it.

Because of that, the reputation he gained for the guild seems like a waste. Since he couldn't join the Infernal Veiled Assassin Guild if the two are being hunted and he was helping them. However, it seems it was not a complete waste.

"Does that mean I'm free to go?" Blake smiled, he wanted to leave as it was already night.

Upon hearing this, Old Brian glanced at him before he waved his hand, "Not yet, not until you answer one question of mine. If you answered it correctly, then I'm going to let you leave. But if you didn't..."


Out of nowhere, the entire armory started shaking.

It was as if an earthquake was happening, the clamping and ringing of metal against metal pierced Blake's ears, and the sudden heaviness that downed on him made it hard for him to breathe properly.

Almost as if he was drowning in water, suffocating to death.

'My body is heavy... what is this?' Blake thought with a frown, clutching his chest.

Raising his gaze, he sees Old Brian's body emitting a powerful energy that is focused solely on him. Due to the gap in their levels, it's obvious that Old Brian is stronger, but feeling it first-hand is another thing entirely.

A fifty-level gap is not a joke, Old Brian's level is triple his level.

Blake felt like an ant under the pressure, a small, tiny, minuscule, helpless ant.

Just as he was starting to feel suffocated and couldn't keep standing for long, Old Brian then asked with a gruff voice hiding countless dangerous threats, "Are you here for Sister Damaela...?"

Upon hearing this, Blake realized that Old Brian had mistaken him as an assassin.

Since he was an accomplice to Tara and Linthia, it's natural for Old Brian to assume that he was also an assassin. But Blake quickly raised his hand, "No, I'm not here for anyone. In fact, I'm not even an assassin, I only have some connections with them"

"Hmm... is that so?" Old Brian said inwardly.

Even though he asked that to make sure, the energy around him gradually dissipate again.

Panting heavily due to a brief yet powerful exposure to Old Brian's energy, Blake said once more with a tired look on his face, "Yep, I swear I'm not here for whoever this Sister Dameala you're talking about. Totally harmless!"

"Harmless my ass, nobody is harmless when they can use shadow spells!" Old Brian said.

But this makes Blake put on a mental note for himself.

'I think I shouldn't use Blood Lance skill brazenly in the city. If shadow spells surprise many this much then I don't want to know what would they think if I could also use blood spells, I could possibly be burned alive if they knew'

Nodded his head, Old Brian waved his hand nonchalantly, "Fine, you can leave"

Blake didn't waste any time and went straight for the dash.

Just as he was about to reach the exit and could finally be free again, Old Brian called out to him once again, stopping him in his tracks, "Don't forget to pay for those weapons you broke, brat! If you don't, I'll come for you regardless"

"Yes, Sir! I'm going to pay for them" Blake replied quickly before leaving.

Immediately after he was let go by Old Brian, Blake walked out of the armory and sighs.

Although the event has gone out of expectation, he was, at last, able to buy the necessity he needs. Now, he wears black leather armor that wrapped around him as well as some steel plates on his shoulders, crotch, shins, and boots.

It was not fancy, but this gives him some useful stats and will do for now.

Despite buying from the armory being good, he thought that it would be better for him to gain equipment from killing mobs. It was more fun that way, and he might gain unique equipment through that.

So he only spent about 50 gold coins including the weapons he broke.

[Privileged Quest (PK) - Duel has been completed!]

[Obtained 10 Privileged Points!]

Beating Axel in the duel, the Privileged Quest is also completed.

Gazing skywards, the sky has already turned dark with seven glowing moons illuminating it. He then glanced to the side and saw the red energy shooting to the sky that only he could see not far from him.

The plan was to join a guild, but it was already night so he decided to do that later.

"No need to say anything, I'm going to do it right now"


It's clear to Blake that Salana was about to talk about the Persona Quest again, so he intercept that and told her to not mention it. Salana clapped her hands excitedly and even jumped in a girlish manner, cheering vibrantly now that Blake is going to try and complete the Persona Quest.

For about ten minutes, Blake follows the red energy.

DollBill04 is still inside the city which is not an ideal place to commit PK.

But then again he could try and do it silently without anyone seeing, his sets of skills are compatible for killing silently. On top of that, since he reached level 25 already, he already wore the Serene of Black necklace.

The necklace adds his agility by 40 points as well as giving him a skill called Ninja Step.

"Say, what happened if I kill a player? Like, what happened to their body?"

"Of course, their body will disappear, and they would be respawned somewhere else"

"By somewhere else, is it going to be really far?"

"Nope, in fact, the player would usually be respawned near the place of their death. If only they died repeatedly near the same place, then the game would allow them to choose a place to be respawned at"

Listening to this, Blake couldn't help but smile, plotting evilly.

Since the player would've respawned near the place of their death, then DollBill04 will be quite fucked considering that Blake has already pinned his location. "Then that means I can kill him repeatedly to try and complete the quest...", he mutters with a grin.

After another five minutes, Blake reaches a crowded place despite its already night.

Everyone around this place should be adventurers, their equipment indicates that clearly. Some of them are also very strong, the average level of people in this place is around thirty which is quite high.

Blake is below average here, yet he doesn't feel intimidated at all.

Looking around for the source of the red energy was coming from, Blake bear witness to the large portal at the center of the place that looked like it can fit a small building. He then shifted his eyes to the side and find a writing on a rectangular block of stone.

'Grotto of Red Cats'

Pausing for a second, Blake then flicked his fingers as he realized what this place is.

"Is this a dungeon?" Blake asked, pointing at the portal.

Salana nodded her head, "Yep, there are dungeons in this world. NPCs also like to try leveling up through dungeons as the monster inside is limitless, they would eventually respawn compared to the mob outside that would not respawn except for special places"

Upon hearing this, Blake then cracked his neck playfully.

"If that guy is inside the dungeon then this will be easier. As the famous phrase in the fantasy world goes, what happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon" Blake said before he strides into the portal confidently.